Not much happenin' on ye olde - - -

That's mostly 'cause I ain't got nuttin' to say just now.
My Badgers lost.
My Colts lost.
I'm just sittin' here grievin'.
Good thing I can watch and pull for lotsa other teams
When mine LOSE.
This picture is for you.
They aren't fuzzy, but they are WARM,
Just like yours.
Ganky's and Kammas gotta stick together in this world.
Yes we do:). Too cute! Hugs
So, you need slippers like this already?
I love your sense of humor.
Well, don't worry......the Gators lost too. It's like a depression ward around here! Except me.....I just hate it for them....and you!
Our team lost last week, too :(
Oh no, a losing streak for your teams, but your slippers look like a pair Santa would appreciate, so they must make you jolly!
Get your camera and go to some nearby town and act like a tourist. Shoot everything that interests you. Then blog about the stories that you uncover. That's what I did yesterday.
I want a pair of those furry slippers! Every part of me gets cold about November and doesn't thaw out till about April!!!
Cute and they do look warm. I went to a college sorority reunion last weekend, so I was totally out of the loop on college football. I had no idea that the Badgers lost. The Hogs had a bye week. Why do you think we scheduled the reunion for last weekend? We're no dummies.
Sorry about your teams ((HUGS))
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