Today was the day to pull out the old elbow grease and do some scrubbing and cleaning at our empty house.

His fishing buddy Mark, who is also a landlord and therefore has learned some pretty cool and quick cleaning methods joined us and began scrubbing the baseboards.
Now - - - before you get tooooo carried away with praise for how wonderful these men are to HELP like that, let me tell you the REST of the story. By the way, they ARE for the most part pretty wonderful, they just have ONE HUGE FLAW - - - they have a major addiction - - - FISHING.
Before all the work was done, when I still had a list a mile long of things that needed to be completed, they decided it was time to go fishing.
Away they went - - - happy as clams and twice as carefree.
I, on the other hand, stayed behind and scrubbed away until well after 4 PM BY MYSELF.
Oh - - - but I'll get the last laugh!!!
MY part of cleaning over there is FINISHED. So when Fisherhubby has to go back tomorrow to clean out his garage, I shall be living the life of Riley somewhere RELAXING!!!
(photo credit:
Good for you! At least you got some help out of them before fishing took over!
So now you get to do something fun, I'm guessing you'll still help:) Have a restful evening! HUGS!
You think just like me! Have fun with your time
You should have called me to help! I'm always up for a good scrubbing clean! :)
Oh you GOOD girl! Is that the rule over there, that you have to leave the house so you could eat your dinner off the floor? Decent people do that over here but many others don't bother, just move out of one pig sty into another!
So when is the final move?
I love the term: Fisherhubby ;-)
What are you gonna do: "men will be, well, boys!" LOL
Have a wonderful Halloween weekend, no matter what you fish for :-)
Doris and Gizzy
And I imagine you'll find a TV to watch football while you're relaxing.
Turnabout is fair play!!!
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