This is my FAVORITE day of the week - - - College Football Day!!!!
I am just a little over-the-top crazy about College Football. Just a little.
I know the teams - - - and the coaches - - - and the players.

But I do NOT limit my football watching to JUST the Badgers. No indeedy. Every Saturday I can be found doing this:

When the weather gets too cold for flip flops, I have socks - - - RED socks, or white socks with Badger icons.
So, imagine my horror and chagrin when LAST Saturday at Story Inn there were NO televisions in the cabins.
Oh, and even worse - - - there was no wifi service and my broadband card couldn't get a signal!!!!
Then while walking on the road to take B & B bowling (Did you miss that? Check here) I met the Story bartender. He invited me to come to the bar to watch the ONE AND ONLY TV in the place, he PROMISED it would be set to College Football ALL DAY LONG.
OK - - - so I'm a T-Totaller. A TOTAL T-Totaller. But did I let that stop me?

I went right down into that bar, ordered a diet coke, sipped away to my heart's content, and watched football!!! (The man sitting next to me, a total stranger, said I should order a "Jack and Coke and hold the Jack" - - - yes, I do know what JACK is - - - it's Daniel's first name.)
One of my children, Keri, snapped this picture because she couldn't believe her mother was in a bar.
A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
You are a hearty Badger fan - just like my Hawkeye better half. When we travel during football season we too seek out the game at local bars or taverns. Now we can also pick them up on XM radio - damn cool. October 23rd that's when our two teams will tangle in Iowa City. May the best team win that day.
Keetha I would have joined you but not held the Jack! LOL....having fun watching football. You go girl!
Just exactly the way I pictured you on college football game day. It is painful to be diverted to other purposes on college football game days----even important family occasions.
We have watched in some very funky dives and under uncomfortable circumstances. You'd think bars would have more comfy seating for old ladies drinking sodas.
Boomer Sooner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice feet!
It's so wonderful to have the passion that you have for football.
My husband is the same way. I think it's awesome that you got to see some TV while you were there even if it was in a bar. Coke works!
I was at a corn maze ran by a football fan Saturday (meaning he had a television set hooked up). I wound up watching the LSU Tennessee game with the guys while my kids ran around in the corn. I was the only one pulling for LSU (because I can NOT pull for Tennessee). That was a crazy game!
Proud of my Tide!
Love ya Keetha and I love ya even more for being a college football fan.
Much of our fall is scheduled around football. I've caught many a game in a bar. The most interesting is when you are in the wrong state when you want to cheer your team on and you are heavily out numbered.
You sure are a football fan! Love all your football attire.
I wouldnt have partaken in the Jack either.
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