We are taking over Miss Keetha's blog today, and we don't EVEN care if she minds.
We noticed that some of Miss Keetha's bloggy friends have even given their "little people" blogs of their OWN!! Miss Keetha, we think that's a great idea - - - we might just go on STRIKE and stop DOING these guest posts until you give US a blog of OUR own.
We're just sayin'
(Miss Keetha, this is Borris - - - I just want you to know that ALL of that stuff up there was from Brunhilda - - - sometimes I just can't CONTROL that she-bear.)
Well, I don't have TIME for that, so I just pushed him out of the way and - - -
OK, back to the real business of this post.
This summer, while we were traveling the wilds of Wisconsin with Miss Keetha, she let us meet her "history."
Now, I gotta tell ya - - - meeting her history turned out to be meeting PEOPLE. Miss Keetha said that the people who are the threads that weave together to make the tapestry of your life are far and away more important than any places or things you encounter along the way.
Wow - - - she waxed a little philosophical on that one, don't'cha know!?! But maybe she has a point. Maybe this life is all about relationships. I know Borris and I surely did enjoy going back to our "roots" and seeing all the bears of our past.
So then, on to show you Miss Keetha's root history.
And you know, when a human can't "see" us as living, we are, in his hands, the inanimate objects he expects.
Pastor Ron is one of Miss Keetha's friends from Burr Camp.
She says "back in the day" when she would take her wee cubs and go to camp to teach the other cubs, Pastor Ron was there to play the organ in the evening services. (Note from Miss Keetha: and you should hear him play!!! AMAZING!)
Pastor Ron did NOT grow up going to camp. He did NOT grow up experiencing the joys of "back to nature" roughing it. Therefore, he found the week of camp nearly un"bear"able.
Well, Miss Keetha couldn't have THAT - - - not at her BELOVED Burr Camp, where so many wonderful experiences had woven into her spiritual and personal life. No, she couldn't have THAT at all. If Pastor Ron were to be her friend, she MUST help him cultivate, not just tolerate, a LOVE for camp.
With that end in mind, she and he embarked on many evenings of chatting, laughing, and sharing ministry ideas at a picnic table in front of the snack shop following the evening worship service. Miss Keetha would always BEGIN these times with the same query: "Are we having FUN yet?"
Borris here: I'm so happy to tell you, I PERSONALLY heard Pastor Ron tell Miss Keetha, that now that Burr Camp is gone, he "gets" it and she was always right. But let's not let Miss Keetha DWELL on that, she might get the big head, and none of us could "bear" that!
Pastor Dan came close to believing in us and we were ALMOST real for him - - - ALMOST.
He and Miss Keetha worked together for several years at a "cub's camp" in the northwoods of Wisconsin. Jeremy was the head counselor there, and Miss Keetha was the head counselor for a teen camp back in Indiana. They shared a lot of "shop talk."
Jeremy is a blogger AND the daddy of two little girls. He understood that we were real, but felt a little silly letting OTHER ADULTS know he "got" it.
Male humans - - - how to figure????
One camp, Miss Keetha and Steve spent many UNNECESSARY hours scrubbing pots and pans in the kitchen - - - unnecessary because they COULD have been finished sooner if they hadn't been having so many water fights.
Unfortunately for Miss Keetha, the water fights stopped all too soon when Steve got a really good look at Sister Pam. But don't worry, neither Sister Pam NOR Miss Keetha regret those idyllic summer days.
Oh the tortuous paths of young cub love - - -
Borris: Brunhilda, do you really think you need to tell ALL THAT????? Good grief, it's ancient history!
Borris, that is what this post is ABOUT - - - ancient history, and there ain't many ancienter than Miss Keetha!
Irene and her family were part of the church Miss Keetha's father pastored until she was about five years old. Irene lived on a big old farm and she and her siblings spent hours entertaining Miss Keetha and Sister Pam with ponies and OTHER country fun.
The first "store boughten" (that's Wisconsin for mamma didn't MAKE it) dress Miss Keetha ever remembers having was a gift from Miss Irene and her family.
Pastor Al was also a boy in Wisconsin at that same time, though Miss Keetha doesn't remember him from then. After he and Miss Irene were married he came into Miss Keetha's world, and now is even a self-proclaimed Butcher, which is Miss Keetha's mother's side of the family.
THIS is more like it. Miss Faith "got" us right away. For her there was no awkwardness about us JUST being salt and pepper shakers.
That's probably 'cause Miss Faith, Sister Pam, and Miss Keetha grew up, all the way from birth, together. You wouldn't BELIEVE all the things those little girls did together. Made "secret" places under stairways at camp - - - played "war" in the woods - - - gave each other special nick names - - - and as they grew into their teen years, went fishing, rowed around the lake, and wore huge pink plastic curlers in their hair.
Borris: Besides which, Miss Faith is a LOOKER, ain't she?
These two didn't need ANY 'splaining about Bearsaltandpeppers.
Borris: I think your readers, if you have any, can SEE that on their faces, Hildy!
As soon as Miss Karen saw us, she said, "Oh, like Flat Stanley!!" and we knew right then and there she was a friend to Bearsaltandpeppers.
She-bears are like that, they have a greater capacity to "see" ALL the world around them.
Miss Karen and Miss Keetha haven't really had much time to weave any threads together since she came into Pastor Ron's life after those camp days mentioned above.
Miss Reenie, as you've already heard, has welcomed Miss Keetha into her den. Miss Keetha remembers lots of long talks, pop corn and movie nights, fabulous meals, and great books. It was Miss Reenie who introduced Miss Keetha to her FAVORITE author when she loaned her "Kathryn Wentworth" to read.
Well, that's it for this edition of Miss Keetha and her History.
This is Brunhilda saying "over and out" until the NEXT time I usurp Miss Keetha's lappy or until she condescends to give us our OWN blog - - - whichever may come first.
Borris: Hildy, I personally think THIS will come first:

Borris and Brunhilda great post about Miss Keethas History. People are such a part of who we are. Glad you get it even if they didn't all 'get' you!!
Man, that' a lot of bear holding preachers! I always enjoy Brunhilda's guest posts--even if she is a little pushy!
Oh how I enjoyed this story! I loved the fact that you got all of those people to hold Borris and Brunhilda while you took their picture:) Made me giggle! I don't know how you kept it all straight! Enjoy your evening!
I TRULY believe in B&B saltandpeppershakers!! What the world needs now is love sweet love and you two have it!
I do not know how you do it. Guess it has something to do with your teaching training. That is a wonderful feature and story on your bear shakers. To include the camp story and so many pastors is awesome. You did a super job putting this all together.
Well thank you, Borris and Brunhilda, for that wonderful piece of history, and the fine pictures! Such style and panache you both exhibit...I'm inclined to agree that you're ready for a blog of your own, (along with a computer,for you, Brunhilda!).
I do like Miss Keetha's comment that friends are the threads weaving together the tapestry of our lives..she's quite right! Please tell Miss K. I appreciate her letting you host, and thank her kindly for stopping by my place...:)
Very cute post B and B! Great fun!
B and B----
You are very lucky to be owned, or at least live with, a fine lady who is so rich in friends!
Don't be greedy. You don't need your own blog, or your own computer either. It's hard for you to type. You don't have opposible thumbs.
Yikes! I missed a Brunhilda and Borris blog post. I honestly don't know how that happened. Thankfully I caught the error!
I like how Borris blames Brunhilda lol But I think Brunhilda needs to realize that guest posts are the way to go - the pressure isn't on for a consistent quality on a weekly basis. :º)
I really liked the stories and the way that different people greeted the bears. I know they're real. I saw them sleeping on the pillows of cotton thanks to your photos! Only a real bear would do that.
Kristin - The Goat
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