Many of you have asked where in the world I've been.

All I know is that after 7 plus years of blogging and a different lappy, which I don’t like, I seem to have lost my blogging fervor.

Someday, when you least expect it, I will post again.

For those of you still waiting I say thank you.

Meanwhile, I am rather prolific on twitter. Find me: @KeethaB
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The Eclectic Company - Waitin' on a New Adventure!!
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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sunday Reruns - Mackinley and Papoo Reprise


It's Sunday again, and you know what THAT means!?! It's time for Sunday Favorites!!!

Sunday Favorites are RERUNS - - - if you want to participate, just repost something you previously posted "back in the day."

(NOTICE: This is NOT a current event ;-)

Thanks so much to Chari over at Happy to Design for hosting this meme, "Sunday Favorites."

I think I have already reposted this once previously for Sunday Favorites, but since it is one of my all time favorite posts, I'm going to repost it again today.

A Boy and His Granpaw
(First posted on 6/19/2008)

Once upon a time a very cute and very silly little boy decided he would have an adventure with his Granpaw.

This is that boy.

First he helped his mommy open presents for his new baby sister, he even put part of the present on his head. Now that wasn't REALLY part of his adventure with Granpaw, but it was just way too cute and silly to be saved for later, so it became part of his adventure anyway.

Granpaw took the boy fishing.

Granpaw did MOST of the fishing, but the boy didn't care because there were lots of things to see and something to climb on.

The sun was setting and there was a cool breeze which ruffled the boy's hair. How could it get any better than this?

Then suddenly it did! Granpaw caught a fish, a little bass.

Granpaw showed the boy what all great fishermen do when they catch a prize fish. The boy didn't really like the wet slimy lips - - - but Granpaw said this was a cool thing to do, so he did it anyway. Granpaw's have great influence over little boys and should always be very, very careful of what they teach them.

Next, while Granpaw was throwing Mr. Bass back in the pond and washing the slime off his hands, the boy stopped to smell the posies.

Granpaw took the boy to a tire swing in the park. He pushed him high in the air.

The boy felt just like a bird.

Granpaw surprised the boy by swinging too - - - just like another kid.

But even the best of days must eventually come to an end. This one was no exception.

The boy snuggled down in his car seat and slept all the way home.

The end.

Or, is it just the beginning?



Ann in the UP said...

Good pictures, good times, happy memories for all three of you.

Theresa said...

What a sweet post! I love the picture of him picking the posie! Sweet times with his Grandpaw, he will love looking back on this day!

Happy Sunday my friend! HUGS!

Anonymous said...

I'd venture to say it was the beginning. What a great post with the most adorable pictures. All of you will love reading this over and over and I can see why you ran it again as a favorite.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Ahhhhhh how sweet. Thanks for sharing this again!!

Jewel said...

The Bears, the Patriots, AND the Steelers won today! What are we going to do?

Lori E said...

All my grandparents were gone by the time I came along or shortly thereafter.
What a treasure of memories this is. You can't post it too often. Well maybe everyday would be a bit much but really it is a great post.

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Girlfriend...

Ahhh...what an adorable post to share with us today for Sunday Favorites, Keetha! I'm tellin' ya...your little Mac is just the cutest!!! I can just imagine all the fun he has with his granpaw!!! Okay...not sure about Granpaw having little Mac kiss the fish though! Hehe! Too cute!!! Great memories being made here!!!

So happy to see you for SF, Girlfriend! Hope that you have a fabulous week! Are you beginning to pack yet? The time must be drawing closer for your move to WI.

Love ya,
Chari @Happy To Design

Keri said...

Who is "Granpaw"??? :)

j said...

I can really see how much he has grown! Aw! Very sweet post Keetha.

Carol said...

How adorable is that little boy!!!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

He's mighty cute Keetha!
And the town with the Cran Fest is Warrens, right after Tomah.
So fun! Hey, we can meet at those bogs. There inbetween BRF and Rapids.

Kristin - The Goat said...

My Dad does zero playing with his grandkids, so I always love seeing your husband with the grans. It doesn't make up for my Dad, but it makes me happy :)

Thanks Keetha!
Kristin - The Goat

podso said...

As, such a nice post. Enjoyed your Alaska pics too.

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

precious, precious, precious!!!!!!