"Bird & Breakfast"
(First posted on 2/17/08)
(First posted on 2/17/08)
Our bird feeders have attracted flocks of birds. We have nuthatches (two kinds) chickadees, downy woodpeckers, cardinals, juncos and goldfinch.
I've tried for days now to capture them with my camera, but they see me coming to the window and fly the coop. All I've been able to catch are these goldfinch and juncos in their winter coats.
So, since I don't have exciting pictures, let me liven up this post with a little poem my mom used to quote to us when we were kids.
"Birdie, birdie in the sky,
The entire world should be glad that cows don't fly... or elephants, or horses... hippos. All those things that have big poo poos.
Very cute post. The birds see me coming with my camera, too. That's why I take pictures of flowers!
LOL....great post! My birdies take off when they see me coming too :)
When cows fly, I'm going underground!
I have the same problem trying to capture the birds at our feeders on pictures. I have so many pictures of just an empt feeder!
LOL. Between quotes from your dad and quotes from your mum, I can see where you get it.
My car sits under a tree---and I'm glad cows can't fly too!
I remember that poem. It is just as fun now as it was when I was 10.
How did I grow up without knowing that poem? I will make sure that my grandkids don't suffer the same fate ;>)...Fun post. Tx for reposting.
What??!!! Your MOTHER recited that. What a fun mother you had, o Eclectic One.
Your birds look very happy indeed! Thank you so much for your encouraging words....I have to admit as the evening is passing, I am a little more at ease....I just wish I would have sent him sooner in life instead of waiting...you live in learn, I have a 9 year old, I may ship him off next year:)
Hi Girlfriend...
Hehe...I remember that poem! Loved Diann's comment about going underground when cows fly! Hehe! Hmmm...those elusive birds! I enjoy sitting out on our swing in the evenings and watching them. When the sprinkler system comes on...we get all kinds of birds wanting to play in the water! They sure are entertaining!
Well my friend, I'm so glad to see you once again for Sunday Favorites! Don't know whether you knew it or not but Mr.Linky decided to do a disappearing act on us for most of the day! I couldn't even see who had signed up...eeeks! Anyway, we're back up and running again!
Have a marvelous Monday, Keetha!
Chari @Happy To Design
Where do these rhymes come from anyway LOL That's hysterical. I'm glad cows can't fly either.
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