Many of you have asked where in the world I've been.

All I know is that after 7 plus years of blogging and a different lappy, which I don’t like, I seem to have lost my blogging fervor.

Someday, when you least expect it, I will post again.

For those of you still waiting I say thank you.

Meanwhile, I am rather prolific on twitter. Find me: @KeethaB
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The Eclectic Company - Waitin' on a New Adventure!!
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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sunday Reruns - Short and Sweet


It's Sunday again, and you know what THAT means!?! It's time for Sunday reruns!!! Thanks so much to Chari over at Happy to Design for hosting this meme, "Sunday Favorites".

In honor of Father's Day, a little Fisherhubby funny. He is enjoying his day fishing in Canada, so we shall enjoy our day with a little chuckle at his antics.

Funny Hubby
(First posted on 2/18/08)

Greg has done it again - - -

Yesterday morning our bulletin proudly announced that the evening service would be BYTBox Cafe. (Short for Beyond the Box)

Greg read it Botox Cafe, and was quite ready to remove some wrinkles.

Ya gotta love that man.



Mimi said...

MAKE THAT 141 followers!!!!
SO glad you popped over for a visit and I am a transplanted HOOSIER!!!!!Well I was an infant when my parents decided to be 1950 something hippies and move out west!!!!
I will get back at you soon, My sister is here visiting, she now lives in a suburb of Chicago!!!!!
SO we are out having fun everyday!!!!
Stay tuned for the stories!!!!
have a great day and hugs to my new friend,

Anonymous said...

That is just too funny and oh so cute to be remembered! Thanks for sharing 'happy thoughts.'

KBeau said...

Since he's fisher hubby, I'm surprised he didn't read it as Bring Your Tackle Box. LOL!

Keetha Broyles said...

Oh KBeau - - - you are GOOOOOOOOOD!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

That's funny!
I want so botox for real!
Have a great day Keetha!

podso said...

I was thinking the same at first read! Funny post; thanks for re running it! I love your blog, it's so eclectic--is that the right word? Have a great week,

dotsie (podso)

podso said...

sure that's fine to link! Look forward to reading it.

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Girlfriend...

Hehe...gotta love that man! "Botox Cafe"...good one!!! Well, I sure do hope that fisherhubby is having a great time in Canada...sounds like the perfect Fathers Day gift to me! Looking forward to more of fisherhubby's fishin' stories when he gets home!

Well Girlfriend, so happy to see you once again for Sunday Favorites!!! Enjoyed your post...even if it was at your honey's expense! Hehe! Hope that you're enjoying your summer break!!! Talk with you later...

Have a wonderful week, Keetha!
Love ya,
Chari @Happy To Design

Kristin - The Goat said...

I read it as botox, too! LOL