She sang today.
You know the one I mean - - - the really fat one that sings to signal that it's over.
I finished packing up my personal things out of my classroom, loaded them in my Durango, and drove away.
Now I am just me - - - whoever that is without teaching.
Many of you have asked what I'll be doing. I don't know what I'll be doing - - - but I do know what I WON'T be doing.
I don't plan to find another teaching job. I do plan to wait until after we return from our vacation to Wisconsin in July before I give any serious thoughts to the next "thing".
In the meantime - - - - I shall be watching some of these:
A few days ago, a raccoon or something opened up the bluebird house, cleaned out the nest and all the young, and knocked the house to the ground.
Mr. Bluebird, like any good daddy, became very distraught and began flying right up to our family room window, perching on the hummingbird feeder, and tapping on the glass.
Though we have seen Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird return to their house, Mr. now prefers to sit right up near our windows indulging in frequent flapping and pecking.
Strange birdie behavior!!!
You're lucky to have such a nice colorful mix of birds in your yard!
Enjoy your summer. {{HUGS}} I've been thinking about you a lot. I know that many good things can come from change.
We all know that a new window is about to open. Enjoy your vacation and treasure the down time. Good things are on there way.
Wishing you many blessings.
BTW-thank you for helping the bluebird out. Hard to watch the poor fellow when he is so upset.
Mr. Bluebird knows you're there to protect and serve... :)
that's awesome! I love a good story, and you seem to have a way of finding some good ones. Mr Blue Bird? what kind of bird is he? he's not a Blue Jay.
I'm thinking of you & wishing you the best! Enjoy your summer!
Enjoy! You sound fine. Strong. You do what you must.
How soon is the vacay?
Hugs, Cheryl
Enjoy your vacation and the next thing will show itself to you. I love the birds!
Whatever you choose to do? You will be wonderful. I KNOW that with all of my heart.
Your bird pictures are great - very clear! I adore bluebirds. I'm sorry yours had a home mishap.
I had no idea birds could have that kind of knowledge...I mean, he knew to peck on your window to ask for help?!?! That's amazing!
(I have to say could a BIRD have a personality like that and NOT have been lovingly CREATED???)
Great birdie pics!
Keetha, I know God has great things in store for you! For everything a reason and a plan by God's hand. Things are going the way they should. An end is always hard, but a new beginning is exciting.
God's best in whatever is coming your way.
It's good to have a goal, even if it's just a goldfinch.
Your birds are beautiful! I have never seen a rosy breasted grosbeek but how lovely it is. Too sad about the bluebird house. They love their babies just like we love ours! Thanks for sharing, Keetha and enjoy your vacation! Best of luck on whatever the future holds for you!
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