Brunhilda and Borris Bearsaltandpepper here again, but you can call us Brunhilda and Borris Bearsaltandpepper.
Last summer Miss Keetha brought us back "home" to the northwoods so we could reconnect with our roots. This year she brought us to reconnect with hers.
I guess the house doesn't look "right" now because some in-between owner made an addition which changed its look altogether. More's the pity.
Seems that once when Miss Keetha and Sister Pam were just wee little girls, they were having a picnic here on the farm with their friends. A terrible storm blew up - - - the clouds were just roiling and rolling toward the house.
All the picnic people fled to the cellar to wait it out.
Only Stubby thought to bring his plate - - - which he ate before them all.
After traveling a bit across country, we stopped at this place for lunch:
It was the size of Mount Olympus!!! She ate it all except part of the bread bowl. We were just hanging around, sniffing, and HOPING for a bite or two. We didn't get one.
Next we headed to Wisconsin Rapids where "the girls" went to high school. When we arrived at our hotel, we found the rooms to be just lovely, but the view - - -
"Now Hildy," I said, "we aren't IN the northwoods anymore."
I quickly looked around and said:
Besides, I think I heard Miss Keetha say we would go to Lake Wazeecha tomorrow."
Hildy processed that for a bit and then piped down.

As she settled into hibernation mode, she was heard to growl: "Humph. She BETTER take us out to the lake or I'll hijack her lappy again tomorrow and give her bloggy friends an ear full."
Hope the bears have fun at the lake!!
If your bears ever want to fly by themselves, tell them they could visit us in Ohio!!
I'm glad Brunhilda and Borris Bearsaltandpepper (since it's clear we should call them that ;)
had a great time...for the most part. I agree, bummer of a view.
I like your cool header, Keetha!
Happy 4th!
So sad that many barns are being torn down and disappearing from the rural landscape.
As a very young child I recall having spent time in a cellar like that on the farm when a small tornado passed almost over our house. I can still smell that damp, dank, cellar odor that they all had.
I liked the waving of the flag! Bears having fun always makes me smile!
You know that dress just fit! (whispers to Hildy, GET the lappy!)
Oh hi Keetha... just stopping by:)
I about split a gut when I saw Brunhilda in that dress! What a hoot.
The bears are truly making the rounds...but you know, if you'd have taken that bread bowl home the bears might have had a great swimmin' hole!
Billy the Goat
The Silly Billy. :º)
You are so clever, Keetha! Had fun reading this post.
All that Beary fun and what do I focus on? That sly Stubby who brought his food into the storm shelter to eat in front of all his (former) loved ones. What a planner!
Tell me that he's working for FEMA now!
The bears are a hoot. Can I bring Paul Bunyan and Babe Saltandpeppershaker to meet them?
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