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Since you asked: YES!!! This is still my baby-love lappy. I still use it, and it has NEVER had even ONE virus - - - one advantage of having a computer that is soley yours.* * * * * * * * * * *

"Isn't She Lovely?"
(First posted 12/27/2007)
Isn't she WONDERFUL!?!
Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to ME!!!
Cute! OH, and look... his shirt matches the lappy!!
Great color choice.
The Blue Ridge Gal
I remember when you first got that laptop! You got a brand new one....I got a hand me down! Oh, well! I do love taking it to the recliner.
Love this old post...hope your laptop is still plugging along...:)
Is that shiny red beauty still chugging along? I'd love a laptop, because eventually even my ample butt gets tired sitting at the computer desk!
LOVE that color. Red. Flashy. Alluring. Sexy. Why, just like YOU!
wow! cool in red! nice header too!
Pls. find time to visit my blog and join the fun on my first giveaway!
xx, flory
you are funny .. I love the red laptop.
My son has a white one and loves it. It has stood up well.
I was so glad when I got my laptop and didn't have to fight for the computer anymore.
And a mighty fine laptop she is! Her brazen red frock shows she is no wimp!
I remember how excited I was the day I got my Laptop, and it ws a dumpster Diver. :P
Hi Girlfriend...
Oooh...isn't that puurty!!! Love that red color!!! Of course, you knew I would...red is my favorite color! Girl, I must admit...I dislike laptops! Yes...there...I said it! Hehe! The reason is...I don't like the smaller keypads! I have trouble typing on them. So all of my blogging is done from our PC. Honey has a laptop and just loves it. Nevertheless, I'm just tickled for you!!!
Girlfriend, I just adore your new header photo! Ohhh my, Costa Rica is fabulous! I took several peeks at your Costa Rica blog while you were down there! It looks like ya'll had a fabulous time and ohhh my, the sights were awesome! What a great experience! I bet you hated coming home...didn't you? Hehe! Well Darlin', so happy to see you today for Sunday Favorites...I really did miss you last week!
I hope that you're having a super Sunday, Darlin'!
Chari @Happy To Design
That photo of fisherhubby sitting with lappy may just be a one of a kind :)
I've been meaning to tell you that I love the new header photo! Love it!
There's something to be said for having a brandnew, never used before computer that you don't have to share. I only got a laptop last October and I am still not used to the 'feel' of the keyboard...so much different and less forgiving than my old (now defunct) desktop. You only have to THINK about the key next to the one you're aiming for and it prints.
aw. Fisherhubby is a cutie-pie! Remind him that "when mamas happy, everyone is happy!"
Hoosier hugs,
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