I'm back home in Indiana, all safe and sound. I DID nearly sleep the clock around, having only been up now for about an hour.
I have some things to share here on my OWN blog about the trip - - - I will work them in as I go. A great big thank you to all of you who traveled over to the Costa Rican Diary to follow our exploits while we were away.
I came home last night to this:

More to come - - -
Glad you made it home safe and sound. I saw some of the pictures on the Costa Rica blog, looks like you had a good time.
Welcome back! It was so nice of Mr. Turtle to be there to greet you! Going to hop over to your CR blog right now....
Welcome home! Glad you made it home and have managed to get some rest. Looking forward to seeing you and hearing about it in person. Love the turtle. Tooooo cute. Your own little piece of tropical right here in Indiana!
Welcome back...I thought you were going to say that this little turtle followed you home in your suitcase!! Loking forward to hearing more about your time in CR! You must be so proud of the kids you teach
"Back Home Again In Indiana..." I was singing that just last night with Tom Roznowski down in Nashville! (He spoke @ the Brown Co. library.)
That lil' turtle is adorable!
Isn't it amazing how wonderful one's own bed can feel?
hug you, Cheryl
Welcome home Keetha!
That's a fun little guy/gal to come home to!
What a cute little feller! Do turtles bring good luck?
The Blue Ridge Gal
(Welcome Home!!!)
That is the tiniest turtle I've ever seen. Very cute!
Glad ya'll are home safe!
So happy you are back safe and sound. I know you had an awesome experience!
Welcome home! I'm leaving, heading into enemy territory. DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN.
Auburn. Nuff said.
Love ya Keetha! Read you soon!
It's great to be back in your own bed with your own bathroom. Yes "East, west, home's best"
Aw, a pet. I had one of these, from Wisconsin, about that size, about six decades ago. If I hadn't taken it as a pet, perhaps it would have outlived me.
I love turtles .. i wrote a post on my blog called Non-Fluffy Pets and I talked about saving turtles. I'm glad you relocated him to a safer place :)
Welcome Home! What a trip that was....cute little Turtle to welcome you too!
One of my favorite kid books was called Timothy Turtle. He was a water taxi and became disenchanted with his life so he went on an adventure.
Oh, welcome home world traveler! I can't wait to see what you have to say :)
Glad you are home safe and sound. We brought a turtle home from Illinois one summer. His name was Elmer. I had him for many years and then we finally let him go at a creek.
Good to hear you're home safe and sound!
Welcome back!
Way cute!
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