Some people collect stamps, or china, or key chains.
I collect people.
Key chains are easier to keep track of than people. But people find their way into my heart and then they live there forever.
The hardest thing I was asked to do on the Costa Rica trip, was to leave my new friends behind, knowing full well I may never see them again in this world.
Let me introduce you.
Mihai is a Romanian who is living in Costa Rica, working with SCORE, and being trained by SCORE. His goal is to return to Romania and host SCORE groups there.
I almost gave him my lappy.
Mihai, since leaving I have wondered many times if I really SHOULD have given you my beloved lappy, because you are worth a laptop and oh so much more. It brings me nearly to tears to think I might never see you or even hear from you again.
Yajaira, I miss you and wish so much I could continue to see you every day.
He could speak a few English words. I don't know HOW he could drive that bus so well around so many curves, navigate such tight corners, and stay out of the way of so many cars coming right at us - - - but he did an AMAZING job of all those things. AND, he gave us great little Costa Rican hard candies too!
Jeremy, you made our stay so enjoyable. I miss you too - - - A LOT.
Thank you for all you did for us, Jose AND for all you do for SCORE and the people of Costa Rica who still need Jesus.
These are Jason and Wesley, two Georgia Boys!!!! They came to Costa Rica to use their expert carpentry skills to build cabinets for the new SCORE house at Coronado, the same place where we were painting the fence blue. They only had a couple of days to work, but they churned out gorgeous cabinets in record time.
Thank you Jason, for giving your time to assist in our barrio grocery deliveries.
And so - - - I had to leave my new friends, and a large chunk of my heart - - - in Costa Rica.
that looks like a great time all around. I love your blog title...and that song!!!!
Sometimes people come into our lives for just a moment but leave an impact on us forever! Great post Keetha!
I fully understand about your students saying there were alot of cute guys in CR. Now I know.
Keetha, where exactly was you r hand in that photo of you with Mihai? Did you pinch him? JUst was my thought.
All of those faces are beautiful and precious...and I have never even seen them before. I think their beautiy comes from the inside out, as does yours Keetha!
I am so proud of everyone...
and ready to book a trip!
Hola, Keetha,
I have been away from my blog for the most of the past two weeks. I see you have been busy! I have been to Costa Rica. I thought the people were SO friendly!
Glad you are back safely.
Isn't this a great big beautiful world filled with friends I've yet to meet?!
You could still mail Mihai your lappy!
Hi Keetha...Glad you are home..these pics are great. Just read your post before this...girlfriend give yourself a little do so much more than most...and I don't think you are done yet!!
Great Post Keetha!!
It is so very difficult to think about not seeing folks again, but I always try to remember how precious they were to my trip. That helps in saying goodbye. That and some tears :)
What an amazing adventure and for such a wonderful cause. Goodbyes are always hard.
What a beautiful post to the people you meet. How wonderful they are to be working for such a good cause. Hope that they will see this someday and know how much you loved them.
You are a great friend! Welcome home, looks like an amazing trip!
Sniffle! I went to CR 13 years ago and I still miss the people I met there. Left a little piece of my heart there too.
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