I've mentioned before that my dad is gifting his offspring with family pieces so he can see us receive and enjoy them.
This was my birthday treasure:
I'm four years old. I'm sitting with my little sister at a drop-leaf wooden table in our kitchen in Spooner, Wisconsin. There are salt and pepper shakers in the center of the tablecloth that covers the little table. Pam and I are coloring and waiting with anticipation for supper because the aroma coming from the oven is scintillating.
Warm oven air brushes our cheeks and makes everything cozy as this baking dish is placed by loving hands on the table. Our coloring book is quickly cleared away and replaced by plates and silverware. Mom and dad join us and we bow our heads for the blessing.
The lid comes off of the casserole to reveal apple dumplings. Whole apples, cored, and stuffed with buttery brown sugar and cinnamon goodness. We each place an apple in a bowl on our plate, pour fresh milk over it, and dig in.
On other days and at other meals, the same casserole dish was filled with other delights. I'm remembering Fiesta Pie - - - a cheesy suffle-esque egg dish with bits of hamburger and onion.
I loved those meals.
I love this dish.
Somehow I never knew it was a:
Some of you have posted about collecting Hull. Who knew I was soon going to be the proud owner of such a memory filled, fine piece of Hull???
I've been googling trying to find another piece of similar Hull pottery. So far I have batted zero. Wonder if any of you know more than I do about this piece. Well, not THIS piece - - - I know all the sentimental value of THIS PIECE - - - but do any of you know any more about this particular Hull pattern?
I'm linking today with Vintage Thingie Thursday at Coloradolady and Thrifty Thursday at Bloggeritaville.

Be sure you click on both of the above links to check out what everyone else is posting.
I've got a whole bunch of green hull pieces, but none like this one. My Mother is gifting things of hers to us kids lately. I think they are just about the best gifts and I can see that you are pretty pleased with that decision, too!
I'm so happy that you have memories that are tied to the dish. Love it. You are by far one of the best storytellers. :)
I love it! Those are the best kind of gifts!
The best gift you could receive is a gift like this...my relatives keep their stuff...or sell it....never giving it as gifts... :( And I would treasure their things better than my own!
How great of your dad, I love this dish...I hope you find someone who knows about it!! Happy VTT!
I don't know anything about Hull.
It sure is a pretty piece. What beautiful memories you have.
What a wonderful piece Keetha, filled with sentimental value! Geez, you made my mouth water for those apple dumplings! It's a beauty, and the little note from your Dad is priceless!
Happy VTT!
I have a couple of pieces of Hull. I don't know much about it - I wish that I could help you. Your father did a wonderful job giving you a birthday gift that you'll treasure!
Will you be able to cook anything in it or are you going to retire it to a shelf for safe keeping?
Wow what a great piece. And what a great family memory. Thanks for sharing. Happy VTT!
Very pretty and good story too.
How great that you have this treasure, you Dad done good. I know I treasure my Mom's Hall Teapot, and it started me on the road to collecting Halls. I don't know much about Hull but have you tried going to Ebay and searching for other pieces like it?
How special to have received this dish from your dad! Most of the pots and pans ans bowls in my kitchen are actually from my mother, grandmother, or great-grandmother. I love using the same pieces they used, and the connection it brings!
Don't you love how a piece like that can bring back such incredible and clear memories?? When my grandma passed of all the things she had I wanted the pair little green Hall bowls that she used to make plum pudding every Christmas. They mean more to me than many of the things I own. I love that your dad wants to see you all enjoy his treasures...and I'm in love with his hand-written note (how fortunate you are to know where it came from!).
What a lovely memory! My parents have been giving their things to us as gifts for many, many years already - you have seen how all my VTT are from the family. I think it is wonderful.
another delightful post filled with wonderful memories & aromas lol..and a lovely casserole dish to boot..thanks for sharing Keetha :)
Hi Keetha - such a heart-warming story of your childhood. Amazing how special items bring back memories..........often food/mealtimes with family! This is a lovely casserole - I'm not at all familiar with Hull.
Re: the dolls on my post. They were at my favorite local SuzAnna's Antiques last year - I just loved them and they reminded me of "Heidi" in the classic story. There were several dressed in different colors, all with golden braids. Quite old, crazed and rather expensive so I didn't succumb - just took pics!
Thanks for your kind words - I always appreciate it when you stop by. While my dear friend is here we plan to hang out in warm jammies and robes - recalling old times and planning new adventures - a very special BIG one coming up!! She is of course heartbroken at her loss, he was such a wonderful man, but she is strong and she will carry on doing things he loved in honor of him.
Take care.
I think that's why my collectibles are all family pieces; the memories. Whata wonderful post, Keetha!
What comforting memories! I love your big casserole, it's so cheery!
You made me feel all warm and fuzzy!
What a treasure Keetha!
You have real treasured keepsake with that dish. On E-bay, they have cereal bowls in this pattern. They call them yellow daisies with a brown band. No date was given as to when made. I am sorry you are having ice storms. Be careful and keep warm.
How nice! I love how you described your memories about this piece! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. Hope someone can give you some information on it. That's so fun to find out about the value of something we have - even if we intend to keep it all to ourselves.
Mary Lou
I love your casserole and food memories. My mother made a lot of casseroles for dinner, but I think she only had a plain casserole bowl.
As I read your post, I was sitting right there with you & Pam. I expected a different meal, so my taste buds were delighted with the apple dumplings ... I haven't had them in eons. How wonderful that your dad is gifting you with family treasures. I will keep a keen eye open for your pattern in the antique stores.
Wow...what an awesome post...your casserole is soooo PRETTY...I LOVE how your father wrote the little note...so SWEET! Thanks for coming by for a visit...hope you come again:)
Nice gift - and with great memories attached. Thanks for sharing.
What a Very Wise Daddy you have! The gift and the memories are wonderful, hope you make many more happy memories for yourself and others using this bowl and lid.
What a wonderful Dad you have! How nice of him to give away treasures now so that he can see you and your family members enjoy them. I love it and think more should think along those same lines.
What beautiful, happy memories that casserole dish brings. I hope it brings you many many more in the years to come!
What a fun post, Keetha. My mom is also giving me things that I treasure from my childhood. They are the nicest gifts.
Hi, Keetha! Thanks for stopping by my blog today!
I found another casserole dish like yours on eBay: http://cgi.ebay.com/Hull-USA-Raised-Daisy-Sunflower-Covered-Dish-Casserole_W0QQitemZ110477348848QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item19b8f68ff0
My mom has lots of pottery,both Hull and McCoy, so I learned early on to look at the bottom of things when out junking. =)
Hope you enjoyed your icy day off - I've got the doors open enjoying our springlike day here in Alabama.
Wonderful Hull casserole-and an even better story!A true vintage treasure!
Love your dish!! Fun to have things with such memories in your kitchen, my stuff is mostly newer at this point in life.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and your comments! Yes, I did decorate with my set. Okay, okay, and I snuck our little family out of my sons extended family and stacked those up on his shelf for decor. They will stay there until he realizes that they are missing and then they'll go back to being toys :) I just sealed them with matte finish Modge Podge, worked like a charm.
Thanks for sharing your AppleDumpling in the Hull Casserole Dish Memory! I was right there coloring and waiting for the it to come out of the oven. Very special VTT post. I've had many pieces of Hull pottery, but never have seen that particular one. There are a number of Hull Collectors Books and since it has the pattern number you should be able to find it in the Hull Archives. You might try an antique shop...most of them carry the catalogs and would be ready to help you find out more. Enjoyed your post!
I love it, but especially that your dad wrote the note! How precious.
I have never had an apple dumpling. Do you feel it's your duty to send me some??? j/k
Beautiful bowl Keetha made even more so by the memories I could see you two sitting coloring & smell the cinnamon!
Your daisy casserole dish is delightful! And made even more special because it was a wedding gift to your Mom and Dad! LOVE it!
such lovely story behind the casserole dish and precious treasure too! thanks for sharing and happy vtt
Keetha, very pretty casserole...hope you find out a little more about your piece. It is so nice that your father is sharing special pieces with you so that he can enjoy the happiness it is bringing you. You are gong to make him something in it, aren't you?
Thanks for stopping by and letting me know those little dishes could be Haviland. I will be doing some checking to see what I can come up with.
Have a great weekend!
What a great treasure to receive!
That casserole dish is a beauty and also a special one. I think it is so sweet to see our Father's handwriting on pieces. My Dad used to make wooden shelves, tables and stuff. He always signed the back and dated them. Thank you for sharing a lovely post. Kk
So beautiful. So cheery. I LOVE the design. And what a special piece. I know your chldren LOVE that you blog. Your memories are forveer preserved. What a blessing.
Thanks for linking up to Thrifty Thursday!
Tales from Bloggertiaville
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