We had plenty of turkey for Thanksgiving, and not ALL of it went "gobble gobble!!!"
Check it out:
You earn the First gobble!!
Oh PUH-LEASE do NOT feel sorry for him that I posted THIS photo. He has RICHLY deserved it. Richly.
We first met at MY SISTER's wedding - - - you know- - - the one where she married his BROTHER. He was best man, I matron of honor. He still had hair - - - LOTS of it.
It was a love-hate relationship at first sight. Love-hate.

Never mind that we are totally eclipsing the bride and groom - - -
Oh, and all you retro lovers, this was circa 1976 - - - December 31, 1976 to take all the circa out of it.

Let's take another look at those two faces, side by side. Quite a picture we make, huh? Can't you just see all the love-hate goin' on???
We still have the love-hate relationship - - - makes life more interesting.
We get the SECOND gobble.
Doesn't he clean up well? He looks so dignified and mature in this picture.
Looks are deceiving - - - this was just before he OPENED that pantry door and began removing the labels from the cans, and that was just before he followed me around the kitchen "crookeding" all the stools and chairs I was straightening.
Oh the stories I could tell about this boy and his antics - - - but I don't really need to because:

Just LOOK at these two - - - they get the THIRD gobble.
Check out her boots:
She gets the FOURTH gobble - - - the fashion gobble.
If he doesn't make you smile, your lips are BROKEN!!!

Well look at all the Gobblins! (Wrong holiday? ;-)
The look on your face in the wedding photo is the most hysterical thing I have ever seen. Looks like you're leading a, er, rather spirited discussion. And that your sister is deeply, deeply concerned. Or horrified. Can't quite put a finger on it. :-) I love it!!
I love this post. Lots of fun seeing all the pictures. Love the boots!
This post was great, made me smile, made me laugh. Thanks for sharing the pics and the stories.
That picture from Aunt Pam's wedding is hysterical! I don't think I've ever seen that one! Aunt Pam and Uncle Joe look like they want to LEAVE! hahahaha! :)
Look at my precious baby girl! I'm stealing that picture!
That's a five gobbler for sure! I can't believe they had the same shirt - hysterical :) That's quite a look your giving circa Dec 31, 1976. Your son took the labels off the cans on Thanksgiving? or some time in the past? I think this is one of the reasons why I don't have canned food LOL Those little shoes on Piper - cute! Indiana Jones carried a backpack all day haha! What a hoot - all of it, what a hoot.
that was fun to read and look at
I love Piper's boots, I've almost gotten them a few times for Halle. She's so stylish! What a beautiful fam you have! I love that old picture of you and you are a brave one for posting it!
You had me smiling and laughing with this post!
12/31/76 -- I wish I could have remembered your "discussion" with Jeff. I remember a few other things you said that evening, but not this. Poor Pam, I think she is envisioning a lifetime of standing (or sitting) between you & Jeff.
Darling pics of the grans, they are so cute.
This post makes my Thanksgiving day seem boring in comparison.
Great post! But, my fav gobblers are the last 2 ... just precious!
I love all of your gobblers! You are blessed with a loving (hating) family :)
The 'vintage' pictures are hysterical.
I believe that I was caught cleaning my lower teeth w my tongue in the vintage wedding pic. Our photographer filled our album w his choice of pics; I am glad that he did because we certainly would not have chosen that pic ourselves but have chuckled over it many times during the past 33 years!
Absolutely! All the stuff the people before me said.
Here's to all the old characters in the family, and to the young ones who are filling their shoes really fast.
I think my favorite is the chair crookeder, and label remover. I'm amazed he made it to his present age, with antics like that!
It's fun to spend time with the people you have history with, especially if someone captured it on film, too. LOL
Haha! Those are great pictures! Too funny!
precious little turkette is my pick for Turkey of the year! the 1976 photos??? FAB!!!!! thanks for the giggles (and gobbles).
Too, too cute....and catch the look on the bride's face! Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving and I love those little boots!
Cute, Cute, Cute!!!!! Love those boots!
Your grandchildren are gorgeous! Oh, my goodness-those boots are precious. And lil Indiana JOnes, I just want to hug!
The pic of you and your brother in law in law, priceless. Your faces...and your sisters. Priceless. I laughed out loud at that one!
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