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It's THAT time again!!!! Vintage Thingies Thursday over at Coloradolady and Thrifty Thursday at Bloggeritaville.

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Once upon a time I got sick and tired of my greasy old Tupperware butter dish. I mean, it had served it's nonbreakable purpose during the years my 4 offspring were toddling, but I was ready for something better.
I wanted a nice china butter dish.
Preferably I wanted a nice ANTIQUE china butter dish.
And so my quest began. Whenever I went in an antique shop, I kept my eyes peeled (that hurts, ya know?) for a butter dish.
At long last I found one:

Ooo, I love little butter dish..it's gorgeous. It's a really sweet pattern..
That's a nice antique butter dish, but that's kind of like putting a square peg in a round hole.
I really love this butter dish. The pattern is so sweet...I have not seen too many round ones, this is a great find.
Have a great VTT!
That's awfully fancy schmancy after Tupperware. Isn't it fun to start using the things you love when everyone is all grown up!
WHAT!! you threw out tupperware for THIS???..hahahaa ssoo glad you DID..it's a beautiful butter dish :)))
Hey Girlfriend...
Happy to see you today and your beautiful round butter dish! I love the round ones! Ohhh...and this pattern is simply gorgeous...so delicate and fine! I'm guessing it doesn't have a manufacturers mark on the bottom?
Well my friend...thank you for sharing your beautiful china butter dish with us...what a treat!
Love ya,
Can you imagine having to churn your own butter. After you milked your own cow... when did they have time to blog?
Love the antique stuff though! It is a pretty dish and little things like that make everyday meals so special.
I love this! I love that it's round!
This is so pretty! Next you need to find a butter mold to form the stick butter just right for the dish.
The butter dish is so pretty...great find
A round butter dish! I've probably seen them before, but I don't remember. Yours is really pretty, and worth mangling a stick of butter to use!
Happy VTT!
I love that butter dish!!! You know you can leave your butter out until it gets soft, then form it into a ball so it fits perfectly! JUST KIDDING!!! Just an idea!!! :)
A very pretty butter dish fit for a lady!!
It is very like a Quimper cheese dish in size & style.
I imagine it would hold a soft gooey Camembert beautifully.
I love the old butter dish. I use a butterbell that is upside down in water and you just leave it on the counter. It stays fresh by taking the air out...I think. Anyway it's easy to spread on my morning toast! Come over and leave your respects for "Mean Rooster"...
Well peeling your eyeballs paid off; see? The pain was worth the gain. That is one very pretty butter dish -- love how the flowers are in tiny swags.
My butter dish is ... nonexistent. My poor butter sits in its wax wrapper behind that little swingy door in my fridge and if I need to put it on the table I plop it on a saucer. True confessions.
Very pretty butter dish which beats out Tupperware anytime.
Good VTT.
I've never seen a round butterdish and I wouldnt even recognize it as one until now! so glad I happened upon this post!
When I was a kid in Outback Australia we churned our own butter but ours were in rectangular shape, that's the shape of the butter paddles we had!I always loved butter churning & the taste of that sweet fresh butter oh yummo!
You found a great treasure! I do recall seeing my Granny (the one with the Broyles name!)churn her own butter and YES it put it in a round mold!
I, too, think that stick looks great in the round dish! :) Dana
Oh, pretty butter dish!
Thanks for the visit/comment.
I totally know what you mean when you say that you have been on a quest for the perfect butter dish! I have been on the same quest for quite awhile. I love yours, wish me luck:)
That is a real pretty butter dish. We made our own butter for years when I was growing up. We started out doing it in a wooden square mold and later on advanced to this style. You did good on getting one that looks that nice.
this is so funny. I too have been on a butter dish quest. I love yours. I want a round one like my grandmothers had. I need a covered one so the kitty cats stay off the counter.
I have some cheap covered round dishes right now that I use, but still want that perfect one!
(Cutting the stick in half is no big deal. Or my Memere used to by the 2 lb blocks, you can still get them and stick it into hers!)
What a lovely butter dish. It would really look so pretty on a table.
Oh, way better than tupperware. I love that butter dish soooo much. good find. It does look very fine.
Hugs, Jeanne
Hiya Keetha!
Well aren't you ever so chic...a round butter dish and all! Now, I relly am expecting to see you"r-mold" all your sticks of butter into beautifully rounded blobs o butter! LOL :)
It really is a pretty butter dish. I have only seen one other rounded one. Does it have a mark on the back with the manufacturers name?
Have a great day!
I love it! My butter dish is Pfaltzgraff Yorktowne. Not lovely old china like yours, but I have quite a few pieces in that pattern so I like it. What is funny to me is that sticks of butter come in different sizes in different parts of the country. I hadn't realized that until we moved west 11 years ago. In the midwest butter sticks are longer and skinnier than they are here. My butter dish is designed for those sticks. The shorter, fatter sticks of butter still fit but they have a tendency to rub on the sides of the lids, so it's messier. A round butter dish would be great!
I love the description of the old dish you had LOL I know exactly what that dish looked like even though you didn't have a photo.
I like the round dishes, too. So glad you found one that was uniquely yours!
Your butter dish is lovely. Reminds me of Homer Laughlin.
That butter dish is gorgeous! I love the china pattern. Ya know, I know I would've known what it was when I saw it-as a butter dish, but I havent ever thought that they made the butter molds round. Hmm. Again, your a teacher.
Thanks Keetha for linking up to Thrifty Thursday!
Love you sweet friend!
Fonts are trivial, really.
I love your butter dish.. so unique and the flowers around the rim just lovely! sweet and lovely! thanks for sharing.. have a good weekend!
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