What a great chance to repeat a "blast from the past." Thanks so much to Chari over at Happy to Design for hosting Sunday Favorites.
"Profile Saboteur"
(First posted 6/13/07)
(First posted 6/13/07)
I know not what prompted me to LOOK at my profile today, nor how long those offending entries had been there for the world to see before I found them and tore them down.
I shan't repeat here all the erroneous information he had posted, but let it just suffice to say that to me "Black Sabbath" is a really really really depressing Saturday and "Clockwork Orange" may possibly be used as a cleaner for the viscera of timekeepers.
lol...boys will be boys, but don't you just want to shake them good sometimes..PS, I don't like Black Sabbath either...
Hi Girlfriend...
Ohhh my goodness!!! Girl, I'm sorry but I just about split a gut reading this post about your son the saboteur!!! Ohhh...I wished I would have seen your profile! Hehe! That is just too funny!
Now...am I surprised to find you have a son of such creative and tricky talents? Not at all!!! For some strange reason...I think he may have "come by this right"! Hmmm...taking a little bit after his mama???
Girl, I just love it! Thanks so much for sharing this fun post with us today for Sunday Favorites! Sheeshh...it's 2:15am here at my place and I'm surprised that I didn't wake everyone up with my laughing!!!
Have a super Sunday, my friend!
PS...you sure have a handsome son and you can just seen that mischievious sparkle in his eyes! hehe!
That was a great post! Sounds like something my son would do (maybe I should go check my profile) ;-)
I see that you first posted that in 2007....has he been up to any more tricks lately??
Have a wonderful Sunday.
Awww man, I wish I could've great your profile then! Unfortunately I didn't even know what a blog was, back in '07!
What a little devil he is! Looking at your own profile is something you never really do so it was a good job you checked!
Uh Oh! You have changed your password since I hope. :)
oh to have been here that day!
Hey I grew up listening to Black Sabbath...I am Iron Man...sorry a little flashback there.
How do you think I found your blog? I was looking for like minded bloggers.
Now let's hack into his Facebook account and give him an unhealthy interest in Barbie dolls.
Hi Keetha,
Wish you would tell us some of the other things he added to your profile, the mind truly boggles.
Still, he's so gorgeous you've probably forgiven him by now?? Maybe?
Now THAT is pretty funny, I have to say.
I have a feeling there was a password change in your world yesterday. ;-)
...or at least on 6/13 there was a password change, unless the saboteur was able to repeat his performance. Which...would have been brilliant, really. ;-)
I love boys! They are so creative! :)
This is so funny.....I wish I had seen it....boys will be boys....did your envelope make it???? just wanted to check!
*snicker* Funny funny funny!
I'm off to check my profile now :)
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