This post is all about simple pleasures to be found, enjoyed, and savored in my north central midwest home town. Hmmmmm - - - there's A LOT of directionality in that last sentence!!!
First stop:

We made frequent trips to our central Wisconsin city library from whence, after curling up in a window seat to read for a spell, we would bring home arm loads of books.
To this day I still love to read AND to visit the library.
When I walk in the library door, that sense of "librariness" washes over me and beckons me to enter and explore the shelves.
This particular trip, I check out three books:

When I started the first book of this series, I was at first turned off just a bit when the animals began to talk. However, I soon realized that only other animals could understand them (well Beatrix is pretty good at animal discernment - though she does not herself speak animalese) and it became part of the whimsy that makes them so special.

I actually first heard an interview with John himself on NPR about this book back when it was just coming off the presses. Though I'm NOT normally a Grishamite, the interview captured my attention and my imagination because this book is about FOOD and FOOTBALL - - - two of my great passions.
This week several of my bloggy friends talked about reading and enjoying this book which reminded me to go in search of it.
Second stop:

And after the hair do, I returned home to putter in the kitchen:

Does layering roasts, carrots, onions, mushrooms and cream of mushroom soup in a crock pot COUNT as cooking???? I hope so, 'cause that's the closest thing to cooking I've done since my famous, secret family heirloom rice and beans dish.
In a few minutes I'm heading out for one more adventure - - - - a $10 pedicure at the beauty school!!!!
Why don't you drop everything and come with me???
I should come with you, I have never had a pedicure or a manicure, for that matter! dinner looks yummy! I am thinkin' takeout tonite, I have cooked all week!Cute hair!!!
There is a book out there that contains BOTH food and football?!! Good Job sleuthing it out :)
The meal sounds great. I still cannot believe you don't cook. lol Do you all eat out every day or does someone else in the house make the meals?
I would love to drop everything and come along for a would be sooo much fun!!!
Hey Girlfriend...
So sorry about Mr. Linky. I've been out of the house today...we have our big estate sale going on! Just checked my blog to see if it published alright and was the old one! I did get it fixed now! So's ready now!!!
I'll get back with you later...still busy with the sale!
It sounds (and looks) like you had a fun day!
I love John Grisham. I saw an interview he did on TV the other day. It was very interesting. He talked about his new book (I think it was the newest - about Justice/Injustice). He came to Oklahoma to do the research on a true story about a man who was wrongly imprisoned. He said instead of 6 months it took him 18 months to write this one.
Happy reading!
I'd love to come to get a pedi.
As for Grisham, I am still annoyed with him for his treatment of my friend Bill Peterson, in his book, The Innocent Man.
Bill is a kind person who wouldn't do anything unethical. He was working with the information he had.
Oh, yeah,
Your hairs are cute!!!!
I like that haircut!
Your haircut is darling! And pot roast cuisine very much counts as cooking!
I haven't been in Marion since our older daughter graduated, about 17 years ago. I'll bet it's changed a lot, probably meaning more traffic.
Libraries are great, and Grisham is a good read.
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