Christine of Christine's Home and Travel Adventures tagged me for this meme.
I was to 1) Go into my photo files, 2) Pick the 6th file, 3) Post the story about the 6th picture in that file, and then 4) Tag six others to do the same thing.
Well, I found my sixth file, I guess - - - the way mine are stored there are files inside of files, but I'm calling THIS my sixth file. Once inside the file, I don't know if I should count six pictures horizontally or vertically - - - so I'm doing it BOTH ways.
After having NEVER traveled together in our adult lives before, Pam, Dad, and I have made three trips this school year to bury family members, our mom, Dad's sister Kitty, and mom's sister Doris. Of course there is sadness at their passing away from us in this life, but much JOY in knowing where they have gone.
And now for the sixth vertical photo:
In the midst of losing loved ones this year, NEW loved ones were born. My friend Betsy had her first baby - - - a son named Jayden. Jayden was born very early and spent the first weeks (months) of his life in the neonatal intensive care unit.
In this picture, Jayden's daddy, Gerson, and a nurse are peeping through the window into Jayden's room.
Jayden is home with his family now and doing very well.
Saturday Gerson went on a LONG fishing day-trip with hubby and hubby's fishing buddy Mark. They caught forty-some fish, so Gerson is doing well these days too!!!
Now for six people I'm tagging. Please, receive this tag as the honor it is intended. Should you choose NOT to participate, you will not hurt my feelings.
1) Miss Diane at "Aunt Di's Experimental Life"
2) Miss Jen at "Dust Bunny Hostage"
3) Miss Nancy at "Everyday Blessings"
4) Miss Lynn at "It's a July Thing"
5) Miss Skye at "Just Breathe"
6) Miss Cry at "Thru My Mind's Eye"
A big shout out "Thank You" to you.
I don't know how to tag but I will try to learn. Be patient with me.
Goodness, babies are everywhere! Nearly nekkid ones in a hotel room and proud father of a newborn in another. Good job! I doubt you have a bad photo in all of those folders :)
Great photos. Those tag games are always fun.
I just love you! I love the pressure that you DONT put on your blog friends. You are a peach!
I will try to get to this soon. I have been out of pocket since last week so I feel a little discombobulated :)
Love your photos and stories!
It's a cycle isn't? Some loved ones depart and then we welcome precious babies. Cute photos and stories behind them...Christine
Great photos Keetha! Life is such a wonderful cycle of beginnings and endings.
When I was younger, it seemed we never lost a family member. Now, it seems people I love are dying all too quickly. I guess it's just that time of our lives, huh?.
Thanks for the tag. I will make my post on Thursday. I already have Tuesday and Wednesday planned. Can't wait to see what I come up with!!!!
So glad the thunderstorms didn't leave you wounded! Those things can get really scary at times. Our house was hit by a tornado twice when I was a child. I still love to watch a thunderstorm though! Just something about all that raw power coming straight from the hands of God to us! I know, I'm strange!!! :)
Have a great week!
Many hugs...........
I am so sorry about your Mom passing, that is so hard. Cindy
Jayden's daddy sure looks like a proud dad, doesn't he?
I'm so sorry about your mom's passing but as you say, consolation comes from knowing where she is now. My mother was unafraid to die, she was only concerned about leaving us. I have a feeling your mom may have been the same.
What great photos and memories!
The circle of life....
Somehow, I missed this post...lovely pics and memories.
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