At Kamma and Papoo's house.

Now for a synopsis of the highly exciting and amusing activities at Kamma and Papoo's Place - - -

There's a lesson here - - - someone is ALWAYS watching and copying - - - so what example are you setting. Just sayin' - - -
Notice, they're already engaged in Kamma's House Activity Number Three - - - tea party.
Now it's time to turn our attention to the outdoors and the deck where we indulge in a plethora of activities like - - -

What a wonderful time you are having. I can't wait to have grandchildren someday. They are so cute, lucky you. Enjoy!
I bet it is a blast when the house is filled with little feet. I bet they keep ya hoppin' (in a good way!)
All true!!
Piper's tongue sticking out is so cute!! I can't see her face from that angle when I'm holding her hands so I didn't even know she did that!!
All my little feet have turned into big ones. However, as you may have notice on some of my post "Mondays with Layton" you know I have a great grandson that is the love of my life. Enjoyed the natural habits of your loved ones.
They are looking so much older! It's so funny how kids are such creatures of habit- they never forget a thing!
What beautiful children :)
I wish my parents lived closer (they're 18 hours away!!) You made me a bit homesick looking at the pictures.
Such sweet,beautiful grandchildren you are blessed with. I know you are one proud grandma... :)
Poor Kerri! The biggest compliment I can give her based on this blog is, "Nice feet."
The rest of the family is gorgeous, of course!
I love the one of Kaeliegh with her feet up! pointed toes and everything!
seriously a permenant marker? you are one brave Kamma!
Love those itty bitty jean shorts!
Don't y'all have fun!
You should go out for some sushi! Ha ha
I prefer the California rolls, actually. Too much raw stuff grosses me out, but I can't tell anyone because that would be patently uncool.
God forbid I should be uncool.
Oh, and P.S.
Where is Hubby's crown and feather boa!??
He looks positively naked without it!
Wow!!!the grandbabies are gettin' big!!!Mackie got a haircut,he doesn't have his curls anymore;( and Piper! Holy smokes! amazing how fast they grow in a couple months...Have an AWESOME time together, I am sure U will!:) Can't wait to head to my parents house in July for a week!!!
These pictures are great. Oh the joy those little grands give!
Absolutely beautiful pics and perfect children!!! Ain't grandparenthood grand?!
So my sweet Mom-in-law always said..."the Grandkids make life worth living." She was right!
now this lookslike alot of fun~~~
hey dropby-0 an award for you at my place.
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