Now hubby and I still have the towels, full of wear and memories, and we can use whichever one we want.

Sure made for a GREAT nap time.

Now it's Monday morning and as soon as I hit "publish" on this post I have to scurry around and get packed up to head home.
It was fun while it lasted - - - - see you down the road!!!
Can I be a relative and come with you next year? The food looks so yummy! The laughter by the fire, the rain pouring down and the peas on the salad (I love cold peas on a salad!) it all makes me long to be there.
Have a nice trip home.
Oh Keetha, thanks so much for adding me to the blogs you follow. I loved your camping post and the story of the kids towels sure brings back memories of our camping trips with our girls. You have a wonderful blog and I must add you to my daily look-sees! Tell your husband he's worth his weight in gold...a breakfast cooking man is the best kind!
joy c. at grannymountain
Oh, my! Fun, fun, fun! And doesn't food taste so much better when you cook and eat it outdoors?
Love the photos and the food looks so good. Looks like you had a great trip. Have a safe trip home.
Dang girl... that meal looked fit for a king! Yum... I love rainy nap weather!! Have a safe trip home...
Oh MAN, Keetha, I think I want to join your family. where to I sign up? You always do the FUNNEST things!
The supper looks yummy. You were lucky that the rain was short.
Looks delicious (even if I am still craving fried rice and noodles!)
I'm back in bloggy world and back to regularly posting AND reading blogs!
Thanks for following even while I was away!
I love outdoor food! It all looks so yummy, and great problem solving skills! aint it part of the fun?
Camping food, Yummy! It has been a long time since I been camping, I like my indoor space. I enjoy reading all about your fun though, and we had bad storms on Sunday. It started out at 84 degrees in Atlanta and by the time we were back home it had dropped to 69. 69 in Alabama is heaven!!!!
Ingenious job on the grille!
Thank you for taking us on your camping trip. It would have been fun to have been able to step into the pics and really be there!
Glad you had such a nice time!
After seeing all your post today, camping may not be so bad after all. One thing for sure, I could go for that wonderful food. Take care.
Fun, fun, fun. I love camping. Oh, the memories you must have with the towels. We have a funny mix of ages and professions in our family and I can't get anyone to do the camping. SO! We set up tents in our pastoral back yard. We have a firepit and also, a campground grill that I bought while junking. No backyard neighbors...we pretend we're in the wild. My sister's children are 10 and 7 years old so, we think we'll do some real camping with just the 4 of us. Why not!?
We never ate that good when WE camped! Oh, I miss it so much. We used to go to Indiana Beach every year with our daughter. She's too old for that now, so I think hubby and I should start going ourselves! Love the towels story, and it looks like you had a great time!
look at you with 15 comments alredy on your post! you are getting pop-u-lar!!!! this post made me contemplate wanting to camp - which says a lot for a girl that refuses to live without A.C.
unfortunately....mr. westin did not have complimentary free wi-fi. which is greatly annoying to me that the fancier things get...the more you have to pay for things! but i had to tell myself i would be alright, one whole day without my blogworld. :(
Looks like fun! Camping is a favorite of our family too!
Oh YUM! Your camping food looks REALLY REALLY good!
We normally have a pot of chili and grilled cheese sandwiches (from a griddle). Nothing so fine as your food.
Dust Bunny - - - if the FOOD part of it had been left up to me it would have been Cracker Barrel. My Cousin Marilyn BROUGHT all those groceries and the guys did the cooking and fire building - - - so, how EASY was that!?! All I had to do was PAY for the wood for the fires.
I just LOVE the sound of rain on a tin roof! I lived in West Africa for a year and fell in love with the sound during the rainy season.
Our house now has a back porch that has something on the roof that sounds like tin and it is amazing. I just love the sound!!
Keetha, Them there vitals look amazing. Camping it certinaly worth the food and fellowship.YUM!
I love the towle story! Glad you are having fun!
Isn't camping fun? How funny that we both posted about camp cooking on the same day!
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