While I was out there pushing that shovel, I had PLENTY of time to think. Plenty of time to come up with great life lessons. I'm more than happy to share them with you!
Miss Keetha's
Life Lessons Learned on the Handle of a Snow Shovel
1) Fill your pocked with tissues 'cause your nose IS gonna run. These things HAPPEN in life, to ALL of us - - - better to be prepared than turn into a drip.
2) 20 degrees is BALMY for shoveling, you're gonna need to unzip. When life gets too hot, it is always good to open up to someone who will help cool you down.
3) When good enough is good enough, STOP. It does not MATTER if you leave tiny trails of snow between shovel swipes. It does not MATTER if you don't get the chunky snow at the end of the driveway cleared all the way to Minnesota!!! LET GO OF IT. If you try to make everything in life absolutely perfect, you will break your back and drive yourself (and all those around you) to distraction!
4) Old, clumpy, icy, plowed up snow is HEAVY. Junk is heavy. We all have lots of junk we try to haul around with us. Leave it for the snow blower. It's too heavy for you. LEAVE IT at the foot of the cross.
5) When the job is finished, put away the shovel. Don't keep digging into snow banks that are just fine where they are. No one will thank you for it.
6) Hydrate well. You may not realize you will sweat out there in the cold - - - but you will. You need to have plenty of Living Water on board to survive.
2) 20 degrees is BALMY for shoveling, you're gonna need to unzip. When life gets too hot, it is always good to open up to someone who will help cool you down.
3) When good enough is good enough, STOP. It does not MATTER if you leave tiny trails of snow between shovel swipes. It does not MATTER if you don't get the chunky snow at the end of the driveway cleared all the way to Minnesota!!! LET GO OF IT. If you try to make everything in life absolutely perfect, you will break your back and drive yourself (and all those around you) to distraction!
4) Old, clumpy, icy, plowed up snow is HEAVY. Junk is heavy. We all have lots of junk we try to haul around with us. Leave it for the snow blower. It's too heavy for you. LEAVE IT at the foot of the cross.
5) When the job is finished, put away the shovel. Don't keep digging into snow banks that are just fine where they are. No one will thank you for it.
6) Hydrate well. You may not realize you will sweat out there in the cold - - - but you will. You need to have plenty of Living Water on board to survive.
Great tips for snow shoveling and life:) I love the picture of you posing with the shovel! Have a blessed day my chilly friend, HUGS!
Great advice Keetha..especially like ..good enough is good enough...my motto..
Good stuff, Sis! As for #3, does that mean no more rearranging of your stuff by 1/64th of an inch? hehe
Words of wisdom, indeed. We drove through a bit of that stuff on the way to the airport, but this morning we can walk around in our raincoats----just in case. It isn't raining yet, but it may. It's in the 60's and I saw roses blooming on the way back from breakfast.
Thanks for the "reality check". How soon we forget.
This is one of my very favorite posts of yours EVER. Thank you my friend for words that I needed to hear today!
Oh my dear, I love this post! It reminds me of our story times with Miss Keetha. I miss you dearly!
Great job, my friend! It reminds me that there is a lesson in everything that comes our way. We can either do it and be grumpy and miss it OR we can do it and think and listen and see what He is trying to tell us.
I think you listened very well!
Great analogies! Plus the added benefit of burning calories!
I am so glad that you no longer have to shovel in birkenstocks!
You always make me laugh Keetha!
Girl, your a great shoveler!
My hubby can't see these pics or he will want me out there too!
Shovelling is a great time to THINK, isn't it? Cute analogies.
As for my posts, yes, one published 3 days before it was supposed to and I could get it to "unpublish", then it got testy and continued to take top priority...but I finaly beat it by changing the "time" - I WILL NOT BE BEATEN BY A COMPUTER BLOG!
Enjoy your day :)
Great advice Keetha! I'm taking number 3 seriously! :) Not that I'm a perfectionist......the living water was part of our Bible study today!
Those are great life lessons. You two are certainly getting a good workout!
I thought a lot about life when I was shoveling. I was always by myself walking back and fourth, thinking and then tossing snow. Walk some more, toss. Your lessons are fabulous, as usual :) Thank you.
There's nothing like repetitive work to aid the brain in thinking, or praying.
#5: "When the job's finished, put way the shovel" - I like that.
Great tips~ I just wish we would get some snow down here in the valley. There is lots of snow up in the mountains, but down here only rain. Thanks for coming to my site to cheer me up. I really appreciate it. By the way ~ the back of that plate you asked about is stamped Taylor Smith Taylor. I have no idea of the pattern. I bought a few of the plates at an antique shop in northern Virginia. I wish I could have found more because I think the pattern is so sweet!
Susan and Bentley
I love snow but shoveling, not so much. Ugh.
I REALLY liked your lessons. Wonderful Keetha!
#3 and #4 are my favorites!!! I love ALL of them, though. :) And in case you weren't aware...you are one of my "unzippers". :) Love you!
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