I've mentioned before on this blog that I resent it when California claims to be the home of "happy cows." They may have a few cows here and there, but this has been and always will be America's Dairyland. It's been that way my whole life and we aren't passing our cheeseheads along to anyone in California. I mean, they already have the PACIFIC OCEAN, for goodness sakes - - - what do they need with a little milk?
Cheese has been made in these here parts since the Germans, Norse, and Scandinavians settled here from the old world, bringing their cheese making skills with them.
WHAT??? You've never HAD a fresh cheese curds??? Well, let me just tell you - - - those deep fried things you get at a fair are garbage compared to the real thing fresh from the cheese making vat!! They stand up just fine all on their own SANS breading and hot grease.

Your so funny Keetha!
I think your not the only one that resents the Happy Calif. cow ad.
Wisconsin will always be the Dairy State!
See you tomorrow night too!
Are you wearing your cheesehead?
WE have a cheese factory here in our little town....and i love squeakie cheese(curds)...instead of cheese dishes our factory has local hand-made quilts.....
I enjoyed the tour with you through the cheese factory. I love it but not too good for my cholesterol.
We visited this cheese factory a few years ago when we went to the Dells. Well at least it looks like the one we visited. Super cold here today. Brrr
Did FH try the limburger (if he could get it past his nose) or has he tried it before? That was one of grandpa Darter's favorites.
OMG Keetha, I bet if my husband went there... HE WOULD NEVER COME HOME! That man LOVES cheese:) Looks like a fun day, even if they weren't making cheese! Go back! Have a cheesey day:) HUGS!
I am just speechless ... the CHEESE. I do believe if I had visited that store, I would have just moved in and stayed. My goodness, all that cheese! Yum yum yum.
Did you say that Gator Bowl? Have you ever in all your days seen Miss. State play like that? It was incredible!
Enjoyed the tour Keetha. The cheese looks yummy!!! And yes EVERYONE knows Wisconsin is the dairy state, my goodness!!!
I agree with you and you are 100% right. I grew up right next to Wisconsin and have been there many, many times for the cheese.
Living here in California for 21 years I can tell you that we do not have happy cows. My grandfather said he always wanted to come back as a cow. He always loved the cows we saw in Michigan where they had a summer home. He would not want to be a California cow! Well maybe a few up in Northern California. Our daughter would love all the blue & white dishes. What a great store.
I'll send you some triscuits if you send me some cheese curds. Clearly I'd be getting the better deal! LOL
I've only had cheese curds once, but it was something I will never forget. oh yummy.
Kristin - The Goat
I'll bring Wheat thins and we will party!
Ah, yes. Cheese. Nice!
I absolutely adore cheese. The ones that you chose look oh so good. I've never had the pleasure of a cheese curd. I'll be sure to try one if I every get the opportunity!
I agree! Who do those Californians think they are anyway? We always stop at Ehlenbach's, right near the border. I would love to sample every kind of cheese they've got!
Everytime we drive through WI we stop for cheese, I have made some...and a cheesemaking blog I follow just posted how to make cheese curds.....ooooo I might try it!
What ... no Hot Rods??? Next time you head to Rudolph, buy a bag of Hot Rods and some string cheese. Take a bite of each and enjoy -- they are so good eaten together. For all your readers: the cheese curds need to be fresh, so eat them quickly -- 1-2 days max. Everyone in the fam loves Wis Dairy State Cheese Co. Each time I visited WI, I brought home anywhere from $80 - $120 worth of cheese and with the low prices at Rudolph, you know that is a lot of cheese. Needless to say, my suitcases were ALWAYS searched - just glad the TSA did not feel the need to sample the contents.
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