Before I get to 'splaining why mama's happy, I need to do this one thing for Kathy B. I REALIZE I promised, just last evening, that I was DONE posting pictures of our new place. Well - - - Kathy B asked where I do my blogging. So, the rest of y'all can just IGNORE these first two photos and skip on down to the meat of this post if you'd like.
HA! As if ANYTHING I post has real "meat" in it.
Also, please know that I do NOT consider myself a decorator. I don't "do" the a la mode or decor de jour. My home will never be on the cover of "Better Homes and Gardens" or any other decorating magazine for that matter.
I do what I like and what I find cozy. I love to have my family heirlooms, antiques, and life memory things all around me. That's what I do - - - we call it Decor A La Keetha.
Oh, should you happen to see him in this picture, Harry Potter is NOT mine - - - that's one Fisherhubby condesention in this room with me. He's got some vampire novels in the bookcase too - - - and I wouldn't be caught DEAD reading one of those. (Dead - - - get it??? Vampires - - - - oh, I guess you'd have to be in MY mind to get that one - - - )
That is if you could stand sharing the room with Harry and the Vampires.
OK now - - - so why is mama happy today?????
Well, the MAIN reason is that I'm taking a break from all my box unpacking and watching my beloved college football ALL DAY LONG. That's right - - - you heard me! Just before 11 AM I will descend into my cave with my remote control in my hand and whoop and hollar until about midnight.
But that almost didn't happen, and here's the scoop:
About two weeks before our move from Indiana to Wisconsin I CALLED to order our TV installation up here. I scheduled that installation for Wednesday, Nov. 3. We decided to try Direct this time - - - I was hoping for more HD channels and a lower bill. I mean, afterall the commercials PROMISE that, don't they?
Well, Wednesday - - - right as rain - - - the Direct guy, Mike, and he was a really nice guy too - - - appeared at our door and in next to no time we had Direct TV. The picture was gorgeous. The clicker was going to take a little getting used to - - - but I was well satisfied.
Fisherhubby walked into the room, turned on the TV and began to search for HIS favorite channel:

I KNEW this about him, and BEFORE ordering Direct I repeatedly asked if WFN was on there. They must have thought it was one show on the Outdoor Network.
They assured me WFN would be there.
Fisherhubby called Direct right up, same night as the installation and CANCELLED it!
Mama wasn't very happy because SATURDAY was coming, and SATURDAY means:

But Fisherhubby persevered. He called Dish, our old beloved standby TV provider, the one that HAS WFN. They PROMISED they would be here to install on Saturday morning between 8 and noon.
I hear drilling.
I hear pounding.
I can almost hear the Dish TV service coursing through the wires because:
CLAY is here!!! CLAY is my hero!!! He is installing Dish TV and it's only 9:10 AM.
Mama should be watching football by 11:00 and Mama is happy.
So go ahead - - - y'all be happy too!
(Photo credits: WFN from, College FB from
You have much better luck getting your TV service up and going than we have had with COMCAST.....the same danged service we've had for a zillion years. One year ago, they came over to fix a digital glitch that was going on with a couple of our TVs. They had to do a "temporary" fix to get us working correctly...but PROMISED to be back in a couple of weeks and remove the TWO cables they had stretched across our back yard. Did they return? No. I called, they made excuses, they made promises...but they didn't come to do something about the cables. SO...the hubs just draped them over our wood fences, so he could mow......and draped they remained all winter. Snow piled on them, icicles hung on them....they swayed in the wind alllllll winter long and into March, April, May......I BLEW up one day while talking to the 432 COMCAST person I'd dealt with over the course of almost a year. I finally told her I was photographing our hanging cables during the various changes of the seasons and documenting each and every person I spoke to within their organization and I was ready to file a law suit. Within two days, three official COMCAST vans rolled up (not trucks that belonged to contractors they use for a lot of their work)...and three real COMCAST techs came to my front door. I explained the entire ordea- - - -l again. With that, two boys went outside and reconnected and buried the cables and one guy stayed inside and changed the filters on the end of each cable that attached to our TVs. It took them about 33 minutes to complete the job......but it took the company MONTHS to get them out there. It has been working perfectly since....however, if U-Verse would work at our house...I'd switch to them in a flash.
OK....I gotta calm down, Keetha. This post of yours just made me remember the experience. I feel better spouting off on YOUR blog!!! :)
Hope you have a good day watching the games. I think my hubs is planning on the same thing. Me....I'm going shopping.
Love your computer room....dana
Well, I'm heartily sorry that my beloved DirecTV left you in the lurch, marooned with Fishing 24/7.
Cute as he is, Fisherhubby may want to diversify a bit.
Anyway, Dana's experience is a nightmare, and it's a shame we have to invoke "Lawyer" to get anything done. My kids haven't been too happy with comcast in minnesota, either.
But Mama's got her football now, and quickly too. Hurray for Dish!
But, Mama
sorry about that little glitch up there......
Well, I see you're all moved(just about) into the new place. It's a lot of hard work!! But the thing that matters most is now in place...Football! You are every man's dream-wife. Hee-hee! : )
Your blog-center is very nice and cozy, and a view always helps if you happen to look away from your computer.Thanks for showing us and answering my query. ( like that word?)
We were going to have Direct installed many moons ago too, but I remembered to ask about their channels in the nick of time and discovered the hunting channels my husband watches were not on it , so went with DISH.Hunting is on the T.V. right now!
M.L. is right, you are every mans' dream wife, you're a football enthusiast and then some!Me, I do dishes, clean house, work on needlework or read books when football is on. Sounds like you are going to have a wonderful day today~
Doing a little happy dance for you now. Please don't ask me to post video. Or maybe I will. Hmm....
Your home does look really cozy. And! No! Toys! All over the floor and couch. That must be awesome.
Your little office looks so sweet and cozy Keetha!
And you should be happy about our beloved Badgers!
Your blog-centre is very TIDY! Is that because you only just moved in or are you a tidy soul altogether?
You are sooo funny! Glad it all worked out!
Years ago we had a GIANT dish out in our backyard in Michigan. When it snowed I had to trudge over hill and dale with a broom to de-snow the thing so we could get reception. I've had cable TV ever since. I'm sure the dish guys have improved since then :)
So very very happy that Clay came and saved the day for both you and Fisherhubby.
Nanny Goat
Oh I wish I had a football cave, I would put the old loveseat, the recliner, hubby, son and daughter all down there!
Wow, you moved to another state and I missed the whole thing. I need to catch up!
(yea Stanford!)
"""""SCORE""""" Good for you K. cuz I know you need a break from putting that whole house together as fast as you did. But FH needs his outlet too, so good for you!! Have a great day, face paint this time??? or just favorite jersey...
Congratulations on getting the TV up and running! Enjoy all of those fishing shows with Fisherhubby, I know you like them too:)
Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!
I loved seeing your house pics! You can imagine how excited my hubby was after Saturday's game!
So glad that it all got worked out for you. Hope it was a great game in the cave!
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