This morning I got my Friday blog post all ready to roll off the presses, mostly 'cause I'm kinda excited about the "Barnyard Bash" (Roosters - - - see my sidebar) that is happening then.
When I was finished with that I thought, "Well, what about TODAY??? What are you going to post TODAY?"
Today, my cyber friends, you get corned beef hash, which over here I like to call Eclectic Bits!!
EB #1
My great nephew Cohan in the hands of his Grandpa Joe. Do you see those tiny fingers curling around his grandpa's big one?
One more awwwwwwww for the road.
EB #2
He and my neice, Misti, and great niece, Carson, have just recently moved to Sitka, Alaska where David has been bitten by the "fishing" bug.
We've already established that I am NOT an expert on fish types, but I THINK this is some variety of salmon. (My sources confirm that it is a King Salmon)
Knowing that her Uncle Fisherhubby is well, a Fisherhubby, and having been forwarned by moi of what all that entials in time, equipment, and expense, my niece Misti e-mailed me this photo with the simple caption: "And so it begins."
(The rest of today's EB's are brought to you courtesy of my recent Wisconsin Ramblings.)
EB #3
I'll give you a little hint. Just moments before I snapped this picture, each pole had a man scrambling to the top. Sorry, they are QUICK and I didn't capture them in the photo.
There was log rolling, pole climbing, and every kind of chopping you can imagine going on inside that fence. The sawdust was prohibitive!
This ESPN video combines all that is Hayward Lumberjack Championships with a very heart-touching story.
EB #4
That's Ontario, in Vernon County, Wisconsin. Population 505 on a very busy day.
The Amish gentlemen who drove these buggies into town were passing by as I stood on the sidewalk with my camera in my hand. When I saw them, I smiled and said hello.
They stopped dead in their tracks, looked at me, returned my smile, and asked if they didn't look strange to me.
Oh those dear sirs, if they thought they looked strange to me, I wonder how I looked to them!!!
EB #5
Of course, you have to SHOUT "I see Uncle Harold's Barn" FIRST to get the credit.
A game Sister Pam and I never failed to play as we wended our way down highway 33.
These beloved places belong to our family no longer- - - but they ever have a home in our hearts.
Why, if you look at that yard long enough you will see shadowy figures of children playing hard at kick ball and sword fighting. I'm sure you will.
(The kick ball and sword fighting story is deep in that link - - - scroll down until you see "Dad, Richard, and Pam")
EB #6
Who can be the FIRST to spot the "world travelers" of a nonhuman type in this photo?
Brunhilda and Borris Bearsaltandpeppers!
Great photos. I have vacationed in Hayward, WI and I have watched those competitions on ESPN.
Awww on the baby. Awesome catch on the fish. Looks like some great times on your vacation.
I see the B & B in the photo!!! I am still in love with AWWWWWWWW moment #1~
hands are amazing. What a photo.
Truly a hero. Wow.
I have heard of Kickapoo all the way up here on the west coast of Canada but I must say it was in reference to Kickapoo Joy Juice.
I recognized the lumberjack poles too as forestry is huge in B.C. Our big fair in Vancouver would have the Lumberjack shows every year during the fair. Real skills and yes they are fast.
EB #1--Very sweet picture of baby hanging onto grandpa's finger. Or whoever's holding him.
EB # last----I spotted B&B, but the adult nearest them caught my eye. Man, she looks familiar to me. Maybe she has a double.
And last but not least! You have your Friday post ready? I'm gobsmacked!
Wonderful post and I love all of the EBs:) I saw the little salt and pepper shakers!
Beautiful pictures but my favorite is the one with the barn! It is gorgeous!
Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!
And the baby:) Precious! I usually scroll back thru the post and that was my most favorite... favorite!
Always love the baby pics! You travel a LOT and I did see the bears! But to eat weren't in Florida!
Looks like lots of fun!
You had me at the number had my younger son at the number 2, he just has a new found passion and love for fishing. Of course I know about the rooster party...I have another entirely new post for that:)
LOVED that baby pic! That's one to frame for sure!
I see the bears! They look a little weary from travelling, perhaps that is why they are having to have a little help standing up straight.....I get like that sometimes!
There used to be some kind of soft drink around called Kickapoo Joy Juice! I think we got it in NC. Great name, huh?
This morning I did a Keeth-a-thon and got all caught up!!!! Read back to July 11, love the place up at Gull Lake. It must have been a great vaca... Glad the storm didn't get the Durango... Good to be back with the "Keethasaurus". Did you see my "Altered Glass" header picture? I thought of you when I put it up.... ♥
What awesome photos. I want to comment on each one....but...I love them all!
LOve the barn, looks like a wonderful place full of memories! cool!
Kickapoo. I know Id have a kick there!
Great, GRAND wow!
And the baby.....AWWWWW
coco bean =) come see him!
Now I am enjoying reading your posts so much I am neglecting the room I HAVE to get clean today while I have the house to myself.
(Well, me and the dogs who would rather be outside, and the cats who keep rearranging whatever I think I am straightening. Many of them prefer to be outside as well. Can you tell why I would rather read your blog?)
Oh- and my whole blog is comprised of eclectic bits!
There is no master plan.
(Is that a WI thing?)
I need to work on that, especially after reading your blog suggestions.
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