While she is just the sweetest thing you can imagine, she does have her little diva side, and her mommy sometimes is forced to put her in time out.
Well, what's good for the goose is good for the gander, you know - - -

Goodness, I HOPE they learn their lesson!
(She TRIES to put her four year old brother in time out too, but he is too smart for her - - - he tells her she CAN'T put him in time out.)
(Image source: Keri Baker)
Lol! Buzz doesn't look like he's handling time out so well.
too cute!! i think the car parked on woody's poor back! i guess time-out isn't always pretty.
...and when I asked her why they were in time-out she said "A-CUZ!" with her spitfire little tone of voice. :)
I just realized Buzz looks like he's pitching a fit! That's gonna get him more time-out minutes!!
I do not believe it! There is absolutely no way that cute little thing could ever do anything deserving of a time out! Now my daughter on the other hand... :-)
In among smacked hands, which was popular in the 50's there used to be a kind of 'time out' as well. We called it "standing in the corner". Then along came Supernanny with her Naughty Step and everybody thought she'd invented something new...........!
Too cute!
My eldest would BEAT her dolls with a wooden spoon. I was always scared to death poeple would think I beat HER!
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