Today, the Bloggerette Sorority is having a "Show Us Your Rooster" party hosted by Miss Barb at Bella Vista.
At first I though, "Man, I WANT to play, but I don't even HAVE a rooster!"
Then, in a flash of brilliant revelation, I realized I not only HAVE a rooster, but I have the QUINTESSENTIAL rooster.
As I went about the process of thinking through this post (oh yes, my dear sorority friends, much as it may not SEEM like it, I ABSOLUTELY think through my posts) I realized I do have a more traditional style rooster in my home. This rooster:
No, mes amies, the rooster I wish to highlight is the most perfect strutting fowl stud to ever grace the face of this planet!
He has feathers galore.
His comb simply glistens like a crown atop his banty little head.
And his wattle, well - - - I doubt you've ever seen a wattle anywhere to compare.
When he crows, it wakes the neighborhood, as should the cock-a-doodle-do of any upstanding rooster.
I give you, rooster specimen "A" - - -
OMG Keetha!
How did you do that? I am laughing so hard and wondering what your hubby is going to say when he see's that pic!
OMG Keetha!!!
I can't wait to see his comment on here. He must be just as good a sport as you are.
But, if one's own hen won't brag on her rooster, who's to do it?
After all the "sex in the garden" stuff, is this not the logical next step?
Love the seat cushions, they are really beautiful. Love your own personal Rooster too! I haven't posted yet but I'm joining in.
yes it did ... does he nap that well not to know what you were doing? Funny!
Men nap so well, don't they? And we energizer bunnies keep going ...
hahaha I do love that picture :)
You WIN, hands down! I am cracking up!
Hmm. A) Was your husband aware of his finery? And B) does he read your blog?
Not sure if I have a rooster in the house. I used to have some kind of tiny porcelain Portuguese bird thing handed down by a relative, though....
Super great roosters!! This is fun!
Hugs, Lisa
Hey Keetha, That's a big handsome rooster! lol I do like the chair covers too! Enjoy the rooster party and visiting.
I wanted to respond to you when you asked about the private garden I visited in Wisconsin. It's not far from Sheboygan where we did the garden tour (which will be Part III of my trip to WI). You can contact Larry through his blog for further detail. He has a fabulous blog, is tremendously talented and really NICE too. And Sarah - she is a sweetheart! Great people. Here is the link to Larry's blog: http://conradartglassgardens.blogspot.com/
That picture of your man is awesome!!!
What a fine rooster you have. His feathers are a little "pink", shall we say! And his comb a little "girlie"! But I can tell that he's quite manly and just simply in touch with his feminine side!
Thanks for visiting me!
I'm hoping my laughter did not wake my husband...in the opposite end of the house. Yes, that photo pulled out deep belly laughter! You are such a stitch!!! (I bet your classroom of kids can't wait to see/hear what you will do next.)
Well done!!!
Jane (artfully graced)
ps Thanks for your sweet and encouraging comments re: the BIG SHOES. I actually did another canvas of this subject. Who knows...it may make a giveaway one of these days.
I thought the chairs were cute til.....I saw that handsome rooster!! Tee Hee
Did he even know you were doing that? My rooster would kill ME! Too cute and funny!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Wow, love the chair pad but Fisherhubby... err Rooster Cogburn wins the prize for the most creative rooster EVER! Love it, I was snorting and spitting all over the place! Hehe
Yes snorting and spitting over here on the East Coast too!!;-)Quite the handsome rooster ya have there!!
Cool chair pads also!!
You mentioned the border in my post..it is by Warren Kimble.
Thanks for coming by!
Hi makes the cutest rooster, but what happened when he woke up, that must have been a chuckle. I love your rooster cushion!
My husband would kill me...but that is priceless I tell ya! And what a seat cushion! Thanks for the smiles Keetha, it made my day! Debbie
thank you for the wonderful comments on my blog.. I love your rooster! What a creative post. This made my day!
Since you are not working, you have too much play time on your hands. I cannot believe you made you better half do this. You keep us curious each day, waiting to see what in the world will she do today.
I just shared your post with my hubby (Yes, he heard me laugh last night!). His comment..."it would be very dangerous if the two of you got together". How about it? Coming to FL anytime soon? What fun that would be!!!!!
Hilarious! Love all your roosters! Enjoyed reading your previous posts also. Thanks for visiting me! Margaret
Hi Keetha, this is such a cute post!!! Absolutely fun and entertaining. I love it.
Thank you for joining and sharing with us today. Have fun visiting.
Hugs, Barb ♥
Okay, I am wondering what happened when he woke up! Did he crow? I'm still laughing!!! Linda
Funny Funny! Love the chair seat cushions. Thanks for coming by my blog. I am also a sister in the bloggerrette sorority.
happy rooster party!
Smiles, Kim
That is a great little chair..
ummm nice boa??
May I ask what song he likes to sing...I was thinking maybe Material Girl by Madonna?
I'm sure your hubby will do some clucking over this one:@)
It just goes to show.......the ROOSTER may crow but the HEN rules the roost......love it! Thanks for stopping by to party!
I'm still laughing over your post. By far you win the Grad 'A' Rooster contest.
Hi, Thanks for stopping by my site :) LOVE your cute header and your county rooster seat pillows are so pretty - makes your home decor rooster-ific. :)
Kaye - SandwichINK.com
Your Rooster seat pillow is a cutie. Trish
What a great post...thanks for the laugh you gave me today. and thank you for visiting my blog...Hope you enjoy the party!
That is too too funny. Poor man.
LOL! Pink and a crown? You are hilarious sweet friend! *Smiles*
Does he ever do a "payback"?? If so, watch your back, honey!
How cute... I think that is the funniest rooster I've seen! How did you do that without waking him up? It suddenly made me think of a poem on my gramma's kitchen wall.
"Said the little red rooster to the little red hen, 'You haven't laid an egg in God knows when.'
Said the little red hen to the little red rooster, 'You haven't come around as often as you use-ter.'"
Hugs from Missouri. Thanks for visiting Oatmeal and Whimsy.
Oh my, your Rooster chair is wonderful and your dear husband made me have a great belly laugh! How fun! Thanks for visiting my blog today for some bloggy fun and my Keeper of the Roosters or my Watch boy is an old doll by ZAPH made in Germany, he came out in the 1990's sometime, I have forgotten his designer but I think it might be Bridgete Leman. XOXO
Keetha OMG..I am snorting and spitting yours is the best rooster I have seen, at least the funniest! I bet you are a hoot to know in 'real' life! I wanna party with you!
Thanks for stopping by, my roosters seem boring in comparison, lol..
He must have a great sense of humor...my husband would kill me! This made me laugh out loud, so funny!
Thanks for visiting me, please come again.
I sure hope Barb has a prize waiting for you! This one wins the show! ~ Sarah
Major belly laughs and a few snorts!!!!
I'll bet he probably laid an egg or two when he found out what you were up to!! LOL!
Oh boy, too funny!...
great post!
You are too funny! Great Party!
Irma :)
I did snort and spit, Keetha, and had a great laugh altogether! Terrific post!
Aren't our hubbies dears to put up with us? I can see yours rolling his eyeballs as mine does at my silliness..LOL. Thanks for brightening my day...
Whether he cooperated with this picture or not, your hubby must have a great sense of humor. Ruler of the roost is a great way to go through life! LOL Appreciate your visiting my blog- always nice to meet a new friend.
:-) Sue
Wow, you got me...what a sport!!! I hope...hilarious post and photo!!!
Thanks for visiting and come back soon!!!
What a fabulous sense of humor you have, Keetha! Thanks for stopping by Applejake Lane!
BTW, you are the second Badger I have met through blogging.
I'm glad someone has a great sense of humor. Thanks for sharing!!
LOL! Very cute!
Ok, now that is just about as funny as one can get. You take the prize for hilarious. I love your rooster Cogburn!!! But, I also love the set cushion rooster too, Char
Too Funny! You did indeed find the perfect rooster specimen!
Kristin - The Goat
OMG....I have been so out of it cuz of computer issues I didn't KNOW the Rooster Party this year was part of the Bloggerette's, too! Well, I had to miss it, but I will be back NEXT year!! I love that Fisherhubby Rooster of yours....he looks swell decked out in that boa and crown...certainly a look to CROW about!! Do you remember that last year I think we figured out that FH and I are extremely distantly related!! Heck, I have to say I'm danged proud to have him on a branch of my family tree. Any dude that would strut his stuff like that boy did is alright by me!! :)
You were sad that your first comment didn't post on my blog....but it did....and so did the second one. I think it was a TypePad issue however. I have zero control over that thing!
Keep cool....it's sweltering in KC!!! dana
Thanks for visiting my blog and checking out my collection of Roosters! Twas a fun day checking out all the blogs to see so many different roosters. Love your chair cushions too! You have a great hubby to pose for you!!!!lol
jo in MN
Love the cushions. You are too funny-I bet you keep hubby on his toes!
Too funny, does he know he was entered into this rooster party! LOL! I think he wins too!
I have been to Marion, IN! We lived in Kokomo, IN from 1998-2001. I even had a Creative Memories friend living in Marion, Carolyn Brown, do you know her?
P.S. - Those chair cushions are really nice!
Very nice! I'm wondering too if he knows about this post?! Hilarious.
Too, too cute! He looks very comfy and must have been very sound asleep! My husband might kill me if he saw himself on my blog in that getup! Brave, brave lady. I like the chair cushion. laurie
*Fweet Fwoo* <--- that's my whistle.
Fishhubby is a real doll!
Sorry so late getting around the party! This is too funny! You are going to have one rowdy rooster on your hands when he see this! LOL! Great post! Glad you joined the party too!
Best, and I mean, the VERY BEST rooster of all! Love it, you have me laughing, cock-a-doodle-doo to your rooster, he is so fine!
I am giggling, trying not to wake my rooster. He is asleep with his mask thing on, or I would have awakened him for sure. Oh, a sense of humor is a beautiful thing! Thank you for coming by my little blog and leaving a sweet comment! Love your pic of your rooster man and....your cute chair! I need to come by often, just to see what zany thing youve posted next! You are so cute! God bless ya! Cindy.
Oh you got him good. Have you showed him this picture yet ? Or is it between us girls ? Thanks for the laugh. I did snort.
My granddaughter and I have done this to my husband but never thought to put it on my blog. You have made me feel BRAVE and that maybe just maybe I COULD do this. lol
That is too funny!!! Thanks for stopping by, sorry I am so late getting around, that's what surgery does to one!!!
Love the pic of hubby....was there a lot of fall out? Ha ha, he must have a good sense of humour, he is a fisherman!!!!
Margaret B
Oh, that is wonderful!! What a good sport he was to pose for that. LOL I am coming by from the rooster party. Thanks for stopping by.
Sorry for my late arrival to the party...I've been on vacation! I LOVE your rooster collection....snort & spit it did, lol. Your hubby is a great sport :)
I have finally made it to the 'T' blogs for the rooster party this week!! You have a nice collection of roosters! Especially the Big Fowl wearing his crown!!! Oh that is so funny! Reminds me when we painted up a friend of ours when he fell asleep on the couch! His belly button became the mouth of Mr. Bill!! Thanks for making me laugh!
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