It's THAT time again!!!! Vintage Thingies Thursday over at Coloradolady and Thrifty Thursday at Bloggeritaville.

Be sure you click on both of the icons or links above to check out what everyone else is posting.
I've mentioned camps before as being a big part of my life. I've either been a camper myself, a counselor, head counselor, or speaker at well over 100 camps.
While I was growing up in Wisconsin, our camp was called Burr Wesleyan Camp. It was nestled in the rolling hills of Vernon County. It consisted of wood frame cabins, dormitories, and other buildings perched on and into the sides of Burr Ridge. We no longer own it, and it no longer functions as a camp but it still holds a very special place in the hearts of many people who passed through it. I've already blogged some of MY Burr Camp stories here, here, here,and here. Today my Thrifty Vintage Thingie post is in honor and memory of my beloved Burr Camp.

Many a wedding was held in this tabernacle - - - in fact, I am the oldest offspring from one such wedding.
When my Great Uncle Charlie was a young pastor he was wont to jump up and shout, "WELL GLORY!" while pumping his fist in the air, at particularly meaningful moments of the sermon. I am told, for I never knew her, that this embarrassed his sedate little wife, Coral, to no end and she attempted to extract a promise from him that he would cease and desist this flagrant conduct. She was not successful in her promise extracting career and he continued to jump at will.
One evening during a service, and at a particularly and pungently truthful moment, Uncle Charlie jumped and shouted. This time as he jumped, waving his fist over his head, his feet landed on a knot in the piny floor. The knot was years old, bone dry, and gave way. Uncle Charlie shot through the hole, up to his arm pits, before his feet hit the ground below.
I was not yet born at the time, but I can tell you he was not deterred in his "Well Glory" shouts even by this bone jarring experience for I have vivid memories of him doing it up until the last time I saw him before he died.
Fortunately, when Burr Camp was sold, I was given (thus THRIFTY) a few VINTAGE camp THINGIES. I've already shown some of my Burr treasures, but I discovered I still had a couple which needed showing.

When I was a small girl, the dining hall at camp was housed on the lower floor of Harmony Hall. Meals were served family style at long tables. I'm sure there were many gravy boats as well as other serving dishes used in those days.
Later, in the early '60's, a cement block structure was built to serve as the "new" dining hall. Meals there were served cafeteria style and not as many serving dishes were put to use.
I don't have any camp memories of THIS particular gravy boat - - - but I am thrilled to have it as a reminder of the "glory days" of long ago.
Later, in the early '60's, a cement block structure was built to serve as the "new" dining hall. Meals there were served cafeteria style and not as many serving dishes were put to use.
I don't have any camp memories of THIS particular gravy boat - - - but I am thrilled to have it as a reminder of the "glory days" of long ago.

I am old. Old as dirt. But even I do not have any memories of pre-electricity days at camp. There were many of them to be sure, and this little lamp is one of several that were made out of canning jars during that era.

What a delightful story. I have never seen a lamp made out of canning jars, this is really cute. What fun memories you must have of this place. I can only imagine a wedding would be just lovely at this tabernacle. Thanks for a very delightful post. Have a great VTT!
You have such a way with words. I truly believe I was a witness to Uncle Charlie jumping up and shouting! What a hoot that he ended up IN the floor! are so funny.....believe me when I say...I do not have time to police the rules...truly I do not!!
It is just in the last couple of weeks, I know a few new people have joined us, and I notice they have hardly gotten any comments. I felt so bad...when some weeks over 30 participate, and some only get 6 or 7 comments...I just thought I would put the reminder out there.
I have no idea...HONEST here....who leaves or does not leave comments, I can not possibly have time to check, heck, I can barely leave comments some weeks is just a reminder...that's all....nothing more....Welcome back to the fold... smile were always here all along ;)
I loved your story of the camp and I wish I had known Uncle Charlie. I would have loved him..and I can imaging the horror on his wife's face when he went through the floor.
You're such a great storyteller..I really enjoyed your post..and that little gravy boat is so pretty.
Happy VTT..hope your weekend is a lovely one.
I remember that tabernacle.
I had a pastor's wife who told me that she knew of a pastor who had torn his tie while going over a barbed-wire fence at Burr Camp. She said that he said that that was God showing him that he shouldn't wear ties anymore, and he didn't. Her remark: "It's a good thing he didn't tear his pants!"
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love all your vintage items especially that last piece (the dresser)!
love reading your post! and the treasures you shared here are just awesome! thanks for sharing & have a great day!
That's an interesting lamp. I didn't know that they could be made with canning jars.
Funny story and so well told! the gravy boat is pretty.
I'm glad Uncle Charlie wasn't deterred, even by crashing through the floor! That's determination!
Love that pretty gravy boat, and I've never heard of an oil lamp being made out of a canning jar! I'm sure these two items are precious to you, but I bet the memories are even more so! You're such a great story teller!
What a great story. I really enjoyed seeing your antique things and how you have them displayed. I have a room I call my antique room as there is nothing in it but antiques.
Love the canning jar lamp, very neat! Funny story, Uncle Charlie was clearly excited in the Lord:)
What great family stories. You're very lucky to have some treasures from the camp, too. Love the gravy boat.
Great camp story; I like reading all your camping stories. I went to camp as a child and teen. Then my DH and I were counselors a week every summer when our kids were young. It was a wonderful camp our church did.
I absolutely love your dresser.
What wonderful stories and keepsakes you have of the "good ole days". Your Uncle Charlie must have been a pistol!
Love the shot of Gull Lake. My grandparents Millie and Otto had a cabin on Black Oak Lake. It's been 25 years since I have seen it. Perhaps it's time to take my own kids for a visit. Thanks for stopping by!
Great, great story! Your great uncle sounded like a hoot - and to have actual treasures from the camp - lucky you! I, too, have fantastic camp memories from the 50's and stories from childhood! The camp is now shut and mostly gone, but we love to fly fish the old site and I think fondly of the stories that were told around the campfire as we cast our rods into the river there!
That gravy boat looks very similar to my Great Grandmother's pattern! My mom collects the pattern!!! I wonder if that is the same thing!
I love it...especially the little lamp...but oh what a wonderful story to go with it...oh sweet memories! And I love your bloggie home...may I be a follower?
I love that there were so many weddings there! What a lovely setting.
What great memories for you to share. And that canning jar making a come back. I came across how to make one as they are supposed to be much safer than candles.
I am always facinated by your stories. Your grandchildren are and will be so blessed through your blog to read all this history. ANd the things....those precious keepsakes, what treasures, Keetha! You own some beautiful things! Thanks for linking up today for Thrifty Thursday! I am so appreciative!
Tales from Bloggeritaville
PS still praying. LOve!
Bama leaves for Bama in the AM...
Thanks for sharing your memories and vintage treasures!
Gosh I LOVE the hurricane lamp made out of a canning jar.
Love the darling gravy boat, Keetha & the oak dresser reminds me of one of mine.
What a beautiful dresser! Cool gravy boat too. The stories behind them too.
What a funny story Keetha. How cool that you have some treasures and the gravy boat is so neat. What town was this closest to in Vernon County? I'm thinking Viroqua? Cindy in Wi.
Catholic camps were wayyyyyyyy different in the 80's, and the protestant camp I went to was way better for being 'fun'.
Hello Girlfriend...
Loved reading about your memories at Burr Camp! The wood building that served as the tabernacle is awesome...I love the architecture of it! Loved reading about your Uncle Charley...that is so sweet! Hehe...I've been known to stand up and shout out a few "Glory to God" as well! Just can't help myself!!!
What a pretty gravy boat! And I just adore your old lamp made out of a canning jar...I've never seen one like that! many sweet memories! I also have so many great memories of camp meetings and revival meetings that I attended when I was a young adult! Thank you for sharing yours!!!
Well my friend, I'm leaving for the weekend. Honey and I are going up to the mountains for a camping trip! We won't be back till late Sunday but I already have Sunday Favorites ready to go...should post Saturday at 6pm! Just thought I'd let you know!
Love ya, my friend!
Such a nice story ! What a charming old building ! Love your treasures and that dresser at the end is a mint !
Loved the post. Great story. Glad someone is preserving the memories. Lovely gravy boat and dresser but I like others have never seen a canning jar lamp! Thanks. :)
What a fantastic story about your uncle. Such wonderful memories.
Love the gravy boat too.
Thanks for your comment on my picture and the cute comment. hehe I was thrilled with how the picture turned out. It was just so pretty looking up into the tree with the sun shining though it.
Oh..... Uncle Charlie must have been quite a character. By the time I was done reading the post, I was sorry to think Uncle Charlie passed away.
You seem to have such a wonderful family :).
Isn't it nice that something so small, something so ordinary as a gravy boat can hold so many memories?
Good for Uncle Charlie. You gotta shout when the Spirit says, Shout!
(And I can see my Tammy doll AND her sister sitting on my bookshelves right now. My Mom got them to try and counteract the evil Barbie influence! I also had a beautiful Revlon doll -- remember them?)
How I enjoyed taking a walk in your memories. Thanks so much for sharing!
Great story. Love the Hurricane Lamp.
LOVE the blog about Burr Camp! I don't remember seeing any of your keepsakes at camp, but love them just the same. Many fond memories of my days at camp...wish we still owned it!
What wonderful vintage pieces!
Thank you for sharing your story! :)
Thank you so much for your Burr Camp posts. I attended Burr Camp in the 80's and have fond memories as well. I remember adding my name to the many signatures written on the walls in the girl's cabin. I signed the same board that my mother signed when she had attended camp there in her teen years. Lots of history written on those walls. Thanks again for sharing!
MStrausbaugh, You didn't leave me a link to a blog or even to a profile, so I have no way to reach out to you. I'll put a comment here in hopes that you come back.
I'd love to hear more from you! We could swap Burr Camp stories - - -
Sorry Keetha. Would love to chat more with you about camp. You can reach me on FB or by By the way, DeLon Davis started a Friends of Burr Ridge Wesleyan Camp page on FB. (Hope you don't mind that I used your tabernacle picture as the image for the page.) Hope to hear from you again.
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