I really do WANT to have a "lovely blog," so I was THRILLED to get it - - - not to mention that I have a new "Blog Awards" section in my side bar which I am trying DESPERATELY to fill!!! I am honored to accept this award, even though accepting it may make me into a sort of liar - - - read on - - -
Though I WANT to have a "lovely" blog, realistically I think my blog is more of a "spit" and "snort" blog, and really - - - are spittin' and snortin' all that lovely????
Perhaps the award I deserve would look more like this:
I don't know WHEN that photographer sneaked (or even snuck) into my beach vacation and snapped this picture of me, but he/she must have, for there I am.
True - - - it would only be a limeade in MY glass as I am a tee-totaller, but with that one small exception, there but for the Grace of God go I!!!!!
Now, I would like to pass the "Lovely Blog Award" on to the following ladies. (PLEASE do not be confused and think I am passing along the "Chubby Chick" award - - - I will save THAT ONE for myself.)
Dixie at "French Lique, Texas" because I like the way she spells Lique AND her "lovely" header pictures are new each day.
Trish at "It's Me Again Margaret" because she has such a "lovely" blog title and smile.
Jennuwyn at "Jennuwyn's Blogspot" because she has just started a blog and has posted "lovely" black bear pictures - - - and I'm a SUCKER for black bears.
Raxx at "Raxx - A Day in the Life" because she dropped EVERYTHING at a moment's notice to make a "lovely" memory for her family by taking them on an impromptu overnight camping trip to the beach to watch the leatherback turtles lay their eggs.
And Cass at "That Old House" because she DOES have a "lovely" blog AND a "lovely" old house replete with starving ghosts in the basement.
Girls, please accept this award from me as an HONOR, which is how I intend it. Whether or not you choose to pass it on is entirely up to you.
i love reading your blog and you deserve an award everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now that's my kind of award... no strings attached... I'll take it...
Now the disclaimer... I may not change my header photo for a while... I really like the photo that's there today.. but... something else will strike my fancy and I'll hit the "change it" button...;)
Thanks for the award Miss K... I'll wear it proudly... Dixie
Congratulations on your award!
You are too funny....
I think I snorted when I saw the Chubby Chicks award! How funny! Love it.
You do have a lovely blog - Made even better by showing off those bloggy awards :)
Love reading your blog as a daily. It just is a joy! Happy award winning!
Hi Keetha... thanks for the award! :-) Wow... a Lovely Blog? I am smiling ...but I have to say I'd qualify for the chubby chicks award, too.
I love your blog -- one of my daily check-ins! You are someone who just makes me laugh -- you are smart AND witty, and you knew that "stamen" is plural for "stamen."
PS the ghosts say HEY!
Congratulations! You do have a lovely blog, even if it is "spit and snort"! Yes, it can be both!
Keetha...You deserve the lovely blog award...Hey, we all need to spit and snort..."A merry heart doeth good like a medicine!" Thank you so much for the "lovely blog" award! I accept it with a snort and a smile!!!
Hey!! For me? You know I got home yesterday and saw this, then I rememberd my k/board at home is on the blink!! I had to get back to the office to accept your wonderful award!
This is my first award for my new blog, my old blog became inaccesable to many so I started afresh, so this is really special to me!
And no strings? Oh the best awards are! I shall display it proudly, are you sure the fat lady is not an award? she's kind of cute!
oh my word keetha all you need is a margarita
Mr. or Ms Anonymous: You are a BIG FAT CHICKEN to give me neither your name nor your e-mail address so I can reply to your "wit."
Very sad face.
You totally crack me up! I stand by the "lovely" blog award (for the record). But, I have to admit, the second one has...is...well...words escape me! I think you should start that one making the rounds! Lol!
Thanks, by the way for the awesome (and scary) lightening facts!! You rock!
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