This morning as I toodled through my "blogs I follow" list, I noticed that someone had done a post titled "What is a blog?"
That made me remember this post that I did in March of 2009 about WHY I blog.
I thought it might be fun to reshare it today.
So, without further ado, I give you a plethora of reasons why I blog:
Why Do You Do That????

Kindly soul asked me at church one Sunday.
He was, of course, speaking about my blog.
"Why would anyone want to do that,
Put pictures of their life
And talk about it on the internet
For all the world to see?"
Was his exact question - - -
It gave me pause for thought.
Why do I WANT to???
Others answer this question
In a variety of ways - - -
Some blogs TEACH
Some blogs PREACH
Some blogs are a PLATFORM
Some blogs SELL
If any of that happens on this blog,
It is purely accidental.
All about community????
It is for me!
YOU are my community,
That is why I blog.
It is for me!
YOU are my community,
That is why I blog.
You hit the nail on the head! Those are all of the reasons I blog also.
Exactly!!! I don't want to sell anything or make this at all about work! Just love it. Another added benefit? I'm publishing my blog into books and as I read back over them, I realize it's also a journal of sorts!
But I have enjoyed most of all meeting like minded or not like minded women that I now call friends like YOU!!! Thanks for blogging!
And I am so glad you blog, because our paths might not have crossed otherwise. :)
Okay, that found me smiling through it! Thank you for sharing yourself ~
You definitely make me laugh! What a hoot you are and I love it :) One more reason:
Football :)
A wonderful presentation. I understand your feelings completely. I do not always have interesting things to share, but love the contact with new people from all over the world. Enjoy comments, good or bad. Bloggers are some of the nicest people ever.
Of all the 'why do I blog' posts I have read yours is by far the best. But then being one of my favorite blogs to read that didn't surprise me. Happy blogging and hope you week is a fantastic one.
well said!
And, husband called the adjuster today! Your comment spurred him on. He first said no way, but then called without even telling me today. They are checking into it. Nothing ventured nothing gained!
Thank you for pursuing with that email! Bloggy friend!
grateful and will keep you p o s t e d !!!
Same here! Here is my suggestion to you...
Don't talk to that guy at church any more. Just don't.
That's exactly it! We share out lives with each other and we make friends. (and blogging is less fattening than hanging out at a donut shop - been craving a double chocolate frosted donut today)
When I catch up on my reading because I've been away, yours is the one that never fails to give me a smile! I loved the photos that went with this post!
Perfect reason! I love it and you!! Blogging has really made a difference in my life! hugs, Linda
Me too. Mine tends to be more educational and promotion of 42N area things and people. I enjoy the comments and learning from others like someone in Wisconsin. You have a good eye for photos and can tell stories well.
I couldn't have said it better myself :) Blogging is the BEST!
Whenever I give a thought to quitting, which I do occasionally, I think of how I'd miss the people I've met and gotten to know since I started blogging. When one of them quits, I wonder how they're doing, and do they miss us at all?
I came over today to try to find Keri's last name. Maybe you'd tell me.
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