Each week Mrs. 4444 invites us to weave the fragments of our lives into one pleasing post. I'm so glad she hosts this party as I seem to be more and more fragmented with each passing day.
So, let the fragments begin.
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I'm pretty sure Sister Pam and Cousin Dar, both of whom read this blog without doing much commenting, will know EXACTLY where I was before I even reveal my destination.

I have never lived here, but my mother's roots are in this land and we spent lots of time in these hills during our growing up years.
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I had a Hillsburger which was juicy and delicious and root beer which came in an old fashioned frozen glass mug.
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My mother's only brother, my Uncle Clinton, had this house built for our grandparents' retirement home. It's only a two bedroom house, but we packed it to the rafters with large family gatherings.
I am so thankful to see that those who dwell there now are taking loving care of it. It looks just as pristine as it did in "our" day.
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Kayla and Tracie are sisters, Britney is their big "almost" sister. The girls' moms are best friends and so these girls feel like cousins at least.
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I say we aren't related to him in any way that I know - - - but I did meet him in the Ocooch Mountains where our roots run deep and we're related to just about everybody - - - so who knows, maybe we share a tiny corner of the same gene pool.
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The rain started around 7:30 Wednesday night and fell pretty steadily until around noon on Thursday. Later in the afternoon on Thursday more showers fell.
We'll TAKE IT and pray for more.
Notice the green "cushion" growing around my patio solar light. Those are weeds. Would someone please tell me how weeds can grow to distraction during a drought while all else dies?????
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I wanted to shake them outside and it was raining too much so they had to wait patiently for a lull between showers.
And the REASON why they are piled up to be shaken is that I have hired my friend Mary (used to be Olson Sister Pam) to come in once every two weeks to clean.
I know, it seems silly to clean up 'cause the cleaning lady is coming - - - but that's kinda how it works.
Mary owns a home cleaning business and I have a home that needs to be clean. See how nicely that works out???
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It's a zip-lock baggie half filled with water and six pennies on the bottom.
It's purpose??? To keep flies out.
OK - - - I confess - - - I'm a total skeptic. I can't readily "see" any scientific explanation that would satisfy me that this would ever work.
I googled it and the only explanation anyone can offer is that the water and pennies in the bag "sparkle" before a fly's compound eyes like light flashing from a disco ball.
Hmmmmm - - - I wonder if disco halls attracted flies? And if a disco ball would deter flies, wouldn't it be more attractive to hang one of THOSE in the doorway???
I'm just sayin'
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See how Carson has her little sister in a stranglehold? Their grandma, who is my Sister Pam, says this is proof positive that Carson got quite a few of her genes out of my pool. See, back in the day, I may or may not have dragged Sister Pam to school by putting her in a stranglehold very similar to this one.
It may or may not have been because if I didn't put her in a neck lock she would run to school ahead of me instead of walking with me. She was fast. I was not.
Anyway, if I did or didn't put her in a stranglehold, I'm sure she deserved it.
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Looks like a beautiful drive through the hills!
I love the drive in, and that burger and root beer sounds delicious! Is it too early for a burger and root beer?
I gotta know...did you just stop the young man, to whom you may or may not be related, on the street to take his picture? :)
I have seen the baggie/penny trick but have never tried it myself to see if it works. How do you suppose someone came up with that idea in the first place?
Yay for rain! Happy Friday fragments! Hugs, Linda
We got some rain too - hurrah. I have never seen the bag of water and penny trick before.
Yowsah! Does that guy ever look like your kids! I'm sure there is some connection not too many generations back with some pretty strong dominant stuff.
Rain! Thanks be to God!
Looks like beautiful Vernon Co was green. You must not have been at the drive-in in the evening since Chuck & Loretta and Al & Irene are missing. What was the occasion that took you there and had everyone all dressed up? Who is the young man?
I was running to school because I was always nervous about being late. I blame my reoccurring dream of trying to get to school and making no progress on you, Big Sis!
PS: I don't think the look on my face while in your headlock was quite as loving, patient and understanding as sweet little Morgan's!
Oh yes, but I do think the look on your face was identical to Carson's which clearly says, "She's not getting away from ME!"
Enjoyed your fragmented fragments, especially:
~the pennies in the bag, I have friends who swear by it!
~Did you really stop a perfect stranger to ask if he was related?
~the stranglehold, it's only cuz' you loved your sissy, right?
~the drive in, so often the hub of small town America-gotta love that!
~weeds, withut them, my yard would not appear green, lol!
hugs, pokey
Yay for rain! I've seen the bag of water before. I fact they had them above the doors of several businesses in Branson, MO. I asked one gentleman about it and he said " well you don't see any flies do you?". And I didn't. But didn't see many flies anyway! They didn't have pennies on them though.
Yes, I've seen the bag with pennies at a fruit stand and there were no flies.
Never heard of pennies in a bag. I guess quarters would be taken in these times. If it works like a disco ball then I think a small disco ball would look much nicer.
Oh you asked about my email address. I'm commenting with my google id but maybe I don't have my email on my profile. Anyway, here's my email
(we had 5 kids running around this place for a few years)
I am younger than my sister by 6 years, but I'm the stronger of the two....so, I'm the ONE that put HERE in strangleholds all the time.
Love the beautiful drive you took us on. Such a quaint area, and loaded with kin...what else can you ask for?
Rain? What's that?
RAIN! Good for you.
Definitely get the disco ball instead! Yanno, with all the dry weather killing off the corn and soybeans and shortening the life of every one of my flowers that did bud, I have a bed full of weeds that had no trouble too. Maybe I should just find some pretty weeds to plant in my flower bed?
Congratulations on the rain ! Cleaning before the cleaning lady is like brushing your teeth before the hygienist and other such things we do.
As far as vintage, 1971 just might be vintage by now. Ya think?
I would do that too. Clean my house before I'd let someone come clean it. haha
You are too funny! Taking a picture of a man you just met so you can compare him on your blog!
I've tried the baggie trick... didn't work here.
What were you doing in Hillsboro? Looks like maybe a wedding or a funeral?
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