It's been quite a while since I played along on Vintage Thingie Thursday, mostly because I think I've already SHOWN all my vintage thingies and then some.
But this week a new, sort of, thought struck me about vintage thingies, so I decided I'd join the fun again even though I've probably shown these very same things before. I just hope THIS time I'm giving them "new life" so to speak by presenting them in a different way.
Work with me, K?
Here is the new old question that is my theme for this post: When does something that was NEW when you got it become vintage????
We all possess these "things" and as they live their lives parallel to ours we may never recognize them as being vintage because they are no more vintage than we are ourselves!
So, here's my collection for this week of things that have grown vintage along with me:
When I was a girl this china was given, brand new, as a Christmas gift to my parents by a local jeweler who also attended the church my father pastored.
It is the china my dad had chosen when my parents decided it was time to purchase china. My mother chose a different pattern, and as was the norm around our house mom's choice was the china they purchased.
When Christmas time rolled around, the jeweler from whom they purchased the china brought in a huge, beautifully wrapped box, and as she set it under the tree my mom said, "Marie, you shouldn't have done that!!"
"Don't worry," quipped Marie, "It's for John's SECOND wife!"
That was circa 1962. So I ask you, 50 years later is this vintage???
The Haviland now resides with me and mom's china of choice with Sister Pam.
Is it vintage now???
So I ask you, they are just over 37 years old, are they now vintage???
They are practical in every way - - - but are they now vintage too???
I'm ashamed to say that at some point over the 37 years they have lived with me the creamer got broken and is shamelessly glued together as you see it here.
I blame the cat for breaking it, but I have no one but myself to blame for the gluing-together job.
What do you think? Can we call it vintage???
Again, may I now consider these glasses, which have cohabitated with me for so long, vintage???
Now, please hurry over here to see what vintage thingies others are sharing this week:

Vintage Thingie Thursday
Over at Coloradolady's lovely place.
Yes they are all 'vintage' now! I should know since I'm vintage myself! I have so many things from the 1970's and realized that they are now 30-40 years!! You make me want to look for things I got new that are now vintage! hugs, Linda
Anything over 50 years old is vintage, (I am too, lol) We were married in 1975 too, so I count my 37 yr. old stuff as vintage. Even if it wasn't, I love your china and the plate, they're both beautiful! Have a nice day hon.
I find it hard to believe that we are considered vintage! I forget that it was 41 years ago that I graduated from HS! We're not old, we've just been here a long time!
It's sad to say, but I think vintage applies to the 80s and back. Your Haviland china is gorgeous. I popped over from Vintage Thingie Thursday. ~Michelle
You have plenty things that are vintage, I enjoyed seeing all of them. I had a nice collection like your glass and sold it. I am not a fancy entertainer.
All those things are now considered vintage...some draw the line at 20 years old. I agree...I guess it certainly makes us vintage! Happt VTT!
I think yes they are all vintage and quite beautiful too. Love it all.
You know even though I love and collect china and yours is really nice,I just love those little s&p shakers.
Thank you for your visit and nice comments :)
All your treasure qualify as vintage in my book:-) Most of the antique shows only allow merchandise in that's at least 20 years old, so maybe that's the unofficial definition.
Oh Keetha, you cracked me up! Tomorrow night I'm having a dinner party and I inspired myself in this little summer table, but of course, for eight in the formal dinner it's pretty much like this one, you'll see it next week..and with some food too! Enjoy your weekend.
Oh my goodness, your china is beautiful, "vintage" or not!!
Love those dishes!! I am a dish nut though!
I believe that anything over 50 is considered Vintage and anything over 100 is considered antique.
Vintage things with a known history are the best! The china is just beautiful.
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