Sunday Favorites are RERUNS, not current posts - - - if you want to participate, just repost something you previously posted "back in the day."
Thanks so much to Chari over at Happy to Design for hosting this meme, "Sunday Favorites." You may click on the link to find the rules and see more favorite posts.
I have been reposting favorites in order from the beginning of my blogging experience back in June of 2006 and moving toward "now." I have reached our Wisconsin vacation posts from the summer of 2008. Since we have just recently moved to Wisconsin I have decided to repost some of those posts that honor and highlight my beloved state.
This is the SECOND of those reposts, and the first "Happy Cows" post I ever made on this blog.
There will be MORE Wisconsin reruns to follow in the next few weeks.
Happy Cows
(First posted on 7/14/08)
(First posted on 7/14/08)
There are commercials on TV which proclaim that happy cows come from California. Now I do not have any direct evidence of the mental state of California cows, but I DO know about Wisconsin cows - - - and they are not only HAPPY but contented as well.
Oh the memories - - - this dairy used to deliver milk TO OUR DOOR in glass bottles with cardboard caps on them. When dad stopped by to pay our monthly bill, we LOVED to go with him in the hopes that we could wrangle an ice cream cone or a quart of chocolate milk.
Yep - - - those happy cows made for some delighted kids!!!
Ohhhhh, West's Dairy! Yum, yum, yum!
Since I spent 20+ years in Wisconsin, and live two minutes from the border, I claim Wisconsin as "home" too. And I agree that it's extraordinarily beautiful. And the home of happy, contented cows.
I think I remember this post. I still like it, all of it. I milked a few Wisconsin cows in my time -- by hand.
Hi Keetha,
What's not to love about cows? Here in Normandy you can't turn around without seeing cows outside, even on grey days like these.
Our 3 year old loves cows. She really love the brown ones and knows that is where chocolate milk and chocolate ice cream comes from!
I've enjoyed browsing your blog - a fun place!
I'll bet that ice cream was phenomenal. We have a cheese shop not too far from here that raise their own cows and sheep. They post a photo of the "cow of the month" in the shop. Too cute.
California cows have nothing on Wisconsin cows! Gosh, I haven't been to Hayward since I was a kid. Love the shots of the barns. I would love to just travel all of the back roads of Wisconsin, and do nothing but take pictures of barns!
Go Pack Go!
Ooo, I can almost taste that contented ice cream! hehehe
Thanks for stopping by. Nice to 'meet' you.
Have a lovely rest of your Sunday.
Mornin' Girlfriend...
Ohhh...and there is nothing like a contented cow! I bet West Dairy's ice cream is awesome! I giggled when I read about having milk delivered and it came in glass bottles! I remember those days! Ahhh...milk tastes sooo much better out of a glass bottle! Hehe! Sure enjoyed your pretty photos of the Wisconsin rolling hillsides, my friend! Thanks for sharing them with us for the Sunday Favorites repost party this week!
Have a wonderful weekend, sweet friend!
Chari @Happy To Design
Happy Wisconsin cows :) Happy Ice Cream.
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