
Sunday Favorites are RERUNS, not current posts - - - if you want to participate, just repost something you previously posted "back in the day."
Thanks so much to Chari over at Happy to Design for hosting this meme, "Sunday Favorites." You may click on the link to find the rules and see more favorite posts.
(First posted on 6/27/08)
I'm not 55 yet, but hubby is and it rhymed - - - works for me.
You KNOW you're barely alive when your Friday nights go like this AND you find it is as much excitement as you want or need for the entire week:
This is hubby, Pancho Grande, and our waiter, Pancho.
For over a year Pancho vowed and declared that his real name WAS Pancho. Our wise-in-Latin-American-Ways friend, Gerson, was not convinced so easily. Come to find out - - - Gerson KNOWS. This is REALLY Ramiro, ever to be known to us as Pancho!!!
The food was GREAT and we waddled out the door full to the gills and beyond.
Heavy risk takers we.
(As if to HIGHLIGHT this threat, the weather bug on my computer just gave me a warning clap of thunder.)
Slightly later addendum: He was back in about 15 minutes - - - but caught three bad little bass before the storm settled in.
They'll do in a pinch!!!
I'm almost finished with this blog post, and unless your comments start pouring in I'm afraid I'll have to look for excitement on TV - - - which for me will probably mean rewatching my DVRed Badger football game from last November. Can't get enough of that, ya know!
Still later addendum: I'm too slow. Pancho Grande has the remote and he won't be looking for DVRed football games I can just tell ya. Honestly, the man CLAIMS to be a football fan but never wants to WATCH it. I think that means he IS NO FOOTBALL FAN!!!
So - - - - what excitements are going on over yonder in YOUR NECK OF THE WOODS tonight?
I see that you have the Iron Bowl listed in your list at the top of the page. I'm not much of a football person except for that game each year. It seems to be life and death around these parts. I was going to do a post on the game, but realized I didn't know enough of what I was talking about to make sense. However...Sports Illustrated did say that Auburn/Alabama was the fiercest rivalry second only to NY Somethings and Boston Somethings. Any way, it was a good game...but not something I could do very often! One of my neices went to Auburn and the other to AL.!
Hi Girlfriend...
Sooo happy to see you this Sunday, my friend! What a cute post...Ohhh, I can sooo relate! Hehe! Although, I think your Friday evening sounded much more adventurous than mine usually does! Hehe! Hmmm...can't think of a better way to spend Friday evening though...pass the chocolate! You know, my favorite chocolate is the Hershey's Bliss milk chocolate with raspberry...Mmmm!!! I've been stuck on those for awhile now. Have you tried those?
Well sweet friend, so glad that you made it for SF's this week!!!
Love ya,
Chari @Happy To Design
PS...I actually sat and watched a game this weekend...Nebraska and CU! Neither my honey nor I are football fans...sorry!...but my step-son Darrin loves football so we sat and watched a game with him! That will probably be my "football fix" for the year! Hehe!
Love ya,
Oh, my Friday night excitement was...was...well, I had a show/sale all day, came home, had leftover pizza and a glass of wine, and fell asleep over my laptop, sitting in bed!
No yummy chocolate bliss for me, just a cold,windy night here in Colorado.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I miss that home SO much - you should see all the color in that home and most homes we've had. I am now living in a rental condo with boring beige and I'm barely surviving. lol Someday, we'll have another house like it!!
Oops forgot - new follower!
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