Sunday Favorites are RERUNS - - - if you want to participate, just repost something you previously posted "back in the day."
(NOTICE: This is NOT a current event ;-)
Thanks so much to Chari over at Happy to Design for hosting this meme, "Sunday Favorites."
I'm Drowning in a Sea of - - -
(First posted on June 24, 2008)
(First posted on June 24, 2008)
Techno-illiteracy. I just want to know how to do some simple things like change my picture file size so I'm not filling up my blogger space so rapidly.
I TRIED to follow his lingo - - - but it was all GEEK to me. I mean, I'm barely swimming around in a Kindergarten Pool of "Dick and Jane" and he threw me a Tolstoy "War and Peace" lifeline!!!!
When I cried out with tears of frustration - - - -
And I still am - - - - ignorant. :-(
But hey, Kyle, THANKS for trying!!!
I've been there! Ony it's my hubby that is jabbering away at a mile a minute about RAM this and pixels that and so on. Eventually I just have him do it for me because I'm more confused than when we started! Haha. Such is life though. You're good at other things and we all can't be amazing at everything. :)
I do better teaching myself computer stuff... trial and error I guess you could call it.
The biggest thing that ever helped me was getting off a Windows system and onto a Mac. I know, I know..... everyone tells me to shut up about it, but it's the truth. Windows just confused me to the hilt.
Oh boy, at least your son will help you. I've been after my 21 y/o to help me set up a sound thing and it's like pulling teeth. By the way, I didn't even know about changing the picture file size to reduce blogger space. You're doing way better than I am. ;)
Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of your Sunday.
Hello! Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment. Oh my goodness, can I relate with your post! I finally gave up on asking my boys and try to learn by myself. Sometimes I do end up calling my oldest son and he guides or at least tries to guide me on what to do. lol
Have a wonderful evening.
Hi Girlfriend...
Sooo happy to see you for Sunday Favorites this week, Girlfriend! Ohh my...I just laughed and hung my head when I read this post! I am sooo illiterate when it comes to any kind of technology...seriously! Hehe!
Well my dear friend, how are things going in Wisconsin? Are you guys all settled in yet? This is just so exciting for ya'll...moving to a different state...new jobs...a new home, etc! I hope that my note finds you and your sweet family all doing well!
Love ya,
Chari @Happy To Design
Oh, I'm Laughing! Yeah, been there and done that, oddly enough from both perspectives, lol. Must be learning Something as I go along, huh?
I think I've had a similar conversation with my mom :) Us kids, we love to hang our heads and give a little giggle.
Kristin - The Goat
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