The skies are just barely streaked with clouds here in central Wisconsin. The mercury is reading in the mid 60's, amazing fall weather for this far north of the equator!
I imagine you can GUESS what this makes Fisherhubby LONG to do - - - and it has absolutely NADA to do with unpacking boxes.
Though he HAS already been a big help in the box unpacking department.

Now that's a great first day of fishing in ANY state!!!
Oh I can see that smile all the way from Georgia! Fisherhubby is HAPPY and I know it:) Great catch too! You are such a wonderful wife to follow along so you can show us all about that first fishing trip in your new State!
Have a blessed evening! HUGS!
Is it only the Muskie King himself who could dream of pulling a muskie out of Nepco? BTW, love your new header picture, but I can't place that scenic little view; it reminds me of the area where the drive over to Mead Island is found. Am I close?
ooh how exciting for him!! it has sure been nice...but I think the party is soon over. Glad your getting settled in.
Thanks for your visit. Looks like you moved...nice place too. And a good day for fishing is good! ;D
You know, that's some blogging dedication to follow Fisherhubby on his maiden voyage! I love it :)
That's one gorgeous tree on the drive to boat ramp. I almost want to decorate it --- well, the bottom branch is probably all I'd be able to reach!
Kristin - The Goat
Makes me want to go fishing!
How did that fish taste for dinner
Oh Yah!
Looks pretty familiar to me!
Your hubby looks so happy indeed!
We need to plan a get together soon!
I can be the Welcome Wagon Lady.
Such a pretty area you live in. Nice to know your hubby is in fisherman paradise and can put the boat in the water as often as he likes.
A ten minute drive to go fishing. Well, bravo for FisherHubby. Good Guy got to golf again yesterday and came home with two new straw hats. Both very cool. Each 5 bucks on sale.
Big sale in the pro shop. Merry Christmas, big guy!
I dare not show my Hubs this post for fear of weeping and gnashing of teeth:)
I am jealous. What a thrill to be that close to quality fishing spots!
So happy for him. It's a dream come true, so happy he is living it!
A muskie, too! Splendid.
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