Doug is a farmer at heart. For years he farmed these rolling hills of Vernon County, first as a boy with his father and brother and later on his own place.
Farming is in his lifeblood.
He tells me, and I believe him, that the trademark Red Wisconsin barn is soon going to be a thing of the past. They are simply being torn down as farms disappear or are aggregated into large co-ops which use metal pole barns instead.
Even his own boyhood homeplace exists no longer. The state bought the land for a dam project that never even came to fruition. "Our" barn is gone. "Our" house has been moved to another location - - - one much less to its suiting if you ask me.
All this loss breaks our farm-loving Wisconsin hearts.
So - - - in honor of Doug and all the rest of us with farming hearts who love the red barns dotted against the rolling green of the hills that comprise the south-western part of this state I give you the following pastoral scenes:
Must be lunch time - - - this tractor is resting.
And now for the barns:
I'll keep this post in my archives so you may come back whenever you want to relive the nostalgia.
Why can't they just leave things alone? Go ahead and build the new if they have to but at least leave the old...makes me sad...what a waste!
White barns are pretty too. There was a red, round barn in the town I grew up in. Here's the link to my post on it.
Altogether now, a wistful sigh for old red barns. I'm serious. I love them too, along with all views of beautiful Wisconsin farms. Vernon County is beautiful!
Didn't get to comment on Shirley's cathedral window quilt. I'm a long time quilter and it knocked my socks off! I try not to start thirty yr projects nowadays.
We never had a big red barn but I always wanted one! I'm enjoying the bears trip!
I'm breathing in (mentally) all that clean country air! Love the farm pictures!
Hi Keetha,
Oh yes, Vernon county. My daughter Katie and I used to travel to Viroqua a lot for her softball and track meets. They were in our conference along with Westby.
It's such a beautiful drive!
And I had to laugh about the cows and California. The year we visited California they were having drought conditions and everything was so brown and dry.
Hubby and I didn't think we saw too many happy cows. hehe.
It sounds like you're having an awesome trip!
I am a farmgirl at heart and love seeing your pretty farm pictures. My family still operates a dairy farm in MD. It's hard work that most people would never be able to stick with.
The landscape of our world changes a lot and it's truly hard to believe that all progress and change is good. I'd have to agree that I love the red barns and the family farms. Thank you Keetha :)
You are a never ending delight. I'm glad you have had this time to be with family in the state that speaks to your heart.
Don't get me started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I miss views like that.
We are losing too much of our heritage! Very Sad!
lol Keetha..who knows what "mode" I was in..but could have been...that's kind of what it looked like...I will check next time...thanks..
This is a great post! Hopefully we're not the only ones who feel this way. Thanks for following me--I'm your newest follower!
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