WiFi forecast: Scattered. Comes in just long enough to drive me CRAZY trying to e-mail or do a blog post. So, I'm still coming into town for the IMPORTANT stuff.
Yesterday, we were just sitting down to eat a lovely brunch of bacon and scrambled eggs when a terrific wind storm blew up over the lake.
I was so terrified I FROZE in my tracks, thinking I could run and sit in the bathtub if need be. About that time, the wind seemed to be lessening, so I sat down and ate my eggs. I know what's important.
After brunch, when we looked out we saw trees down in the yard.
Not to be deterred by a mere storm, the "boys" went out fishing and later we all blissfully headed into town - - - for the vacation MUST GO ON, don't'cha know!
In town we found that many of our favorite "haunts" had CLOSED for the day - - - seems that tornadoes striking and electricity going out will just about bring even the sturdiest of tourist towns to its knees.
Our delightful waitress, Holly, told us they stayed open through the whole storm - - - including two hours with no electricity. She said "we just served cold sandwiches and pop in cans. The only candles we had were little tea lights, so we had those all over the place."
Now THAT's the way to run a tourist town restaurant - - - the LUNCH must go on, don't'cha know?!?
We heard that the WORST of the damage was out by the Wesleyan Church, which is where my blogging buddy, Mark, is the pastor.
The church was fine. But the property AROUND the church? Not so much.
I don't think anyone was injured, but some houses across the street were damaged.
I guess vacation ISN'T going on for just everyone.
(Keri and Grammy - STOP worrying, we're just fine, I promise!)
Glad you were okay. The blogging must go on. No stopping for tornadoes or earthquakes. Sissies.
Glad you survived unscathed - and your Durango as well! I wonder about Rapids - the weather map made it look like the worst of it passed through central WI.
You people are Intrepid in carrying on under dire circumstances! Glad you are all OK and planning to remain so. I wonder if tornadoes bumble up the fishing grounds too.
That's a powerful lot of tree damage to Hayward. Busy times for the clean-up crews.
You can't go anywhere without causing a ruckus. :) So glad that no one was hurt, but goodness the destruction is truly amazing.
Karbs sounds like a great choice - a hearty bunch :)
Kristin - The Goat
Listen, I am truly impressed. I think you're brave. Is the bathtub thingy sound advice and an accepted 'thing to do' when a storm hits?
Amazing how the view can change in just a few moments, isn't it?
Keri, I don't know about you but I was playing canasta all day with friends. Don't they think we have a life??? Greg & Keetha....who????
I am such a scardy-cat during storms. I just hate them...even if it is just thunder and lightning. I have tried to get over it, but so far...no luck. There was a very big storm here several days ago. I frantically looked for a 'safe' room to get in. Turns out the only room in this house with no windows is the laundry. So there I sat for about an hour. I lived to tell about it so that's good! :)
Loved the bear shopping story. How strange that must have been when they realized there was a bear in their store!
Oh my :o
So glad you were safe.
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