Just because I think we can all use a little cuteness in our lives every day.
And because I gave you my ugly parsnip poisoned ankles yesterday, I thought today's dose of cuteness really OUGHT to come from me as sort of an antidote.

Would you just LOOK at the orneriness popping out of Piper's eyes???? She is at that stage where she is developing her OWN little personality - - - and what a FUN personality she has!
I blatantly STOLE this photo from my daughter Keri's blog.

Thanks Sister Pam for sharing all the texted photos with us!
Love all the pics. One can really never have too much cuteness in a day. Now if you had added kittens...well that might be another story. -lol
I really dig the first pic!!!!!
THAT'S IT!!! I am going to legally change my name to Piper. Love that name.
Your grans are too cute for words...seriously..
WE for sure needed some cuteness today! Thanks for the adorable photos!
So very very kyoot!!!:)
An abundance of cuteness!!
All the pictures overflow with cuteness! :)
Chock full of cute! You are blessed!
Now I have to go check out your parsnip ankles!
They are all adorable! And yes, your little Piper looks like she knows exactly what she wants... (I know that look, our youngest still has it.)
Babies, babies, babies and cute Daddys.
xo, me.
That is a mega amount of cuteness Keetha! Your grandkids are adorable and look at those darling babies, I bet Pam is so proud!
Good luck to hubby with the interview, now that would be so awesome!
What adorable children you have in your family...very sweet!
I love the technology that allows us to see photos of our loved ones nearly instantly :)
Our family produces some cute kids!
Your grands are so cute, Keetha! Look at those curly hairs!...Christine
Cute, indeed!
Hi Keetha,
Gorgeous grands, nothing could be cuter than them!
Know what I see in photo #1? Three little Keethaa just waiting to bust out! Is the world ready for this?
Oh my goodness. "Dose of cuteness" is right! What an adorable bunch!
And I have a Piper granddaughter, too. How cool a coincidence is that? I wonder if that mischievous thing comes with the name, lol.
RYC: Thank you! I love making my Coffee Pot People, and am always thrilled when someone likes them. =oD
As to what I do with them, am I allowed to say, "The polka!"? No? Okay, I'll be good then, and tell you that several sit around my house and yard at any given time, and the rest have found homes with adoptive families, many of whom give me updates on their well-being, which makes my heart happy. (I do sell them, at art/craft shows, and occasionally on Etsy.)
Hope this novella-length comment wasn't too long!
Oh boy do I love looking at those pics!!!!Nothing cuter then a bunch of kids being ----well being kids!!!!I can hear the giggles loud and clear!!!!
they are adorable for sure!!!
Oh my that is allot of cuteness :)
You are blessed.
Hi Keetha, I've been MIA for months & just spent the last hour plus catching up on your blog. Your grands and Pam's grands are all darling. This was the first I found out Pam has grand #2 ... wow! I really am behind on news. Your 'Sconsin trip posts were great to read. So much has changed over the years, and though the strings tug at my heart, I seldom take the time to dwell on the precious memories and just move on with the present. You are fortunate to still have many relatives with whom to share mutual memories. Hope your ankles are healing.
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