At our school auction a few weeks ago, Baili, one of my sophomore students, purchased the "principal for a day" item.
She went ALL OUT.
She granted some privileges to all the students,
Like off dress code day
And eating lunch outside.
She even came to my room
And gave me my annual "evaluation."
Here it is:
*Losing her voice
*Love her necklace
(Editor's note - made and given to me by Ms. Baili herself)
*Going over a test with her students - NOT fun
*No one is sleeping
(Editor's note - this one cracked me UP!)
*She keeps swaying.
(I asked about this one - - - she said I was walking around.
Well DUH - - - how did she THINK I kept all those
Students awake????)
Excellent EVAL!! what a great looking Principal. (in that she looks very professional kind of way)
How neat..she is a cutie! Love that you have been Inducted too LOl Come say hi :D
What a fun idea...she looks the part for sure!
How cute!
I'm relieved to see that you got a good evaluation from your principal! She is quite a spiffy administrator!
How fun! I guess the days are really counting down for you, aren't they? I know it is so bittersweet. Thinking of you.
How fun! Great evaluation!
I bet she had a lot of fun and she looks great!
What a great thing to have as an auction item, she certainly looks the part. In fact she resembles you somewhat!
That girl is a born leader!!! I love the evaluation! That must have been so much fun.
That must have been a fun day for her!
she's witty and it sounds like she had a fun day - you too.
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