Here is a precious Kaeleigh story - - - you may want to grab a tissue, this is an "awwwww with a tear" kinda story sent to me by our daughter Keri.
Last night, during bedtime prayers, Kaeleigh told me this story:.
"My sister (that is her sister that is unrelated to us.) climbed high up in a tree and while she was up there, she hurt her foot. She came down from the tree and was sad about her foot hurting so I prayed to Jesus."
"Oh, Kaeleigh! That's wonderful!" I said. "What did your sister say about that?"
Kaeleigh answered, "She said 'You don't have to do that.'"
So I asked, "And what did you say to that?"
Kaeleigh's answer warmed my heart and made me smile. She said, "I told her I wanted to do it because I love her."
Excellent Grands. Very impressive.
Ah so sweet! They have good examples to follow!
The is so precious. What a sweet heart she has. Love the pictures.
I'm sure I don't remember my first time playing with an inchworm, but I do remember being quite young and watching it crawl up my arm :)
What a sweet Kaeleigh story! It's so wonderful that she has learned about unconditional love :)
Kristin - The Goat
Kids can say the sweetest things! Nice to share with grandma such sweets! Come say hi :D
What a sweetie-pie group you have there.
Precious words! So wonderful that those thoughts are in her heart now, they will remain throughout her life! Just so sweet!
aww, the inch worm discovery is cute but I love love the story about kayleigh.
Now THAT is precious. Doesn't it bless your heart to hear the word "Jesus" come from your little one's mouths?
The grands are adorable.
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