On the way home from the retreat, I suggested that we stop at the world's BEST Chocolate Shoppe, DeBrand. Shelli and Julie had never been there nor had they ever tasted any DeBrand chocolate. I had to rectify THAT, don't'cha know!?!
Shelli was busy pointing and clicking the camera.
(She doesn't like chocolate much,
The dark chocolate raspberry classic miniature.
These are to-die-for good.
(OK - - - so I fixed it that way, but who's telling???)
Are the walls in the bathroom supposed to look like chocolate?!!! The chocolate box thingy, VERY cool!
Oh Keetha, first you pick the other glasses, then you watch football all the time and now you don't know which way the toilet paper should be on the roll. Ha. Want to bet we could get an internet wide debate happening on that topic. Over and down the front is my way but at our house I am just happy there is toilet paper somewhere within reach of the toilet on any given day.
Lori, Keetha has had the TP debate before :)
I had a DeBrand Chocolate covered caramel apple this weekend--simply, hands down the BEST caramel apple I've ever had!!!
you didn't get yelled at for taking pictures inside there? when we were there for my birthday, they yelled at us and even threatened to take angie's camera if she didn't stop taking pictures. angie was NOT happy.
Ha, ha. It is always about reading the fine print isn't it. Good one.
That chocolate box looks yummy! But that is NOT the way the toilet paper should go!! I'm sorry but mine has to come toward me over the top! As my husband really doesn't care, I sometimes have to fix his mistakes in this all important area! :)
Chocolate box...good!
Silliness with friends...good!
Toilet paper...WRONG!!!!!!
I went to the website just to show Nate all the wonderful things we saw there at DeBrands. The dark chocolate raspberry was amazing! Thank you Keetha for introducing me to DeBrands!! I'm not sure my car will ever be able to just drive past again.
Chocolate? Yuck!
Toilet paper. Wrong!
FINE yellow print? Tricky!
So I am assuming that the pictures are you after eating chocolate!!
Is it that good? I put them in my favorites, I will have to try it.
Oh good golly! I would be on the most ridiculous sugar high when I left that place! But in the very best way. ;)
P.S. I really like your new header pic. Very pretty.
Well...this was not a good post to read while trying to stay on a diet!! looks like a yummy place.
oh sorry.
I am getting a bit cranky.
You silly girls!
I want to introduce you to my friend Judy, who will argue to the end of time about toilet paper.
I just keep mine rolls in a copper bucket next to the potty.
At least I did until I got this naughty puppy.
I am drooling over the chocolate box and other goodies you teased us with. I am in favor of chocolate being named the fifth basic food group. Someone at work once wanted to start a Chocoholics Anonymous, but she couldn't get anyone to come. Any chance that Debrands might come north to Wisconsin?
that looks like a fun stop. :)
That Shelli really captures the "moments" .
That chocolate box is stunning!
Oh Keetha! I am afraid that I will also have to disagre with your TP position. I realize everyone is entitled to their own opinion, it just so happens that you are WRONG about this one. I would have changed it. In fact, I have been known to do just that at certain homes when I have discovered such an incorrect application of TP on the roll. :)
It looked as if you were in chocolate heaven, such a big grin you had on your face!
Stay happy
im so jealous. did you send me some?
I think you are a kid in a candy shop on a daily basis. Love it!
You and I totally agree on the TP roll- totally cool.
Kristin - The Goat
That toilet paper is rolled the wrong way! My eyes, my eyes!
LOVE the chocolate box, pretty, the apples caught my EYE (get it) and you always crack me up. The TP- is that the right way? I prefer the over method to the under, but I do like the neat corner. You are a trip, girl!
I love the zany poses - so wonderful and light hearted! Keep it up girl - we need more smiles like yours!
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