What in the world are you doing up and blogging at 2 a.m. Miss Keetha?
Well you might ask!!! I've been asking the SAME thing.
Seems the sneezing, coughing, snorting, and noseblowing have all conspired to keep me awake.
Seems if I must be awake, what BETTER thing is there to do than BLOG, I ask you!?!
Now a few middle of the night personal notes.
For Connie and Headless:
You saw at the costume shoppe.
Brunhilda and Borris don't get out much
When they aren't on vacation to the Northwoods.
But they ARE considering wearing their
Wedding apparel to meet and greet on Halloween!
I like to let her hide my "special treats,"
Generally fun size Twix and Mounds.
She doesn't do a very GOOD JOB of hiding them,
Because SOMEONE finds them and EATS them.
I won't tell WHO that someone is,
But I WILL give you a tiny, subtle clue:

Girl! GEt some sleep!!! This is your day off!!!
Poor Keetha... so sorry you're feelin' blue (and sneezy-stuffy).
I love your little bear treat-jar with the baby bears... so cute!
and the diva in your last photo... doing what divas do (just like bears in the winter), after a good binge of candy bars, taking a long winters nap... a little early in the season!
feel better soon!
So sorry to hear you are sick, especially on a day off! Get better soon.
Can't wait to get my "treasure"! Thanks for sending it to me.
Love the cookie jar...we have a phantom at our house, too. He eats all the molasses cookies.
You are so sweet. I do hope that you got a little more rest. I will be waiting (im)patiently for my treasure!
How conscientious of you to not be sick on a work day. What a trooper. Now blow that nose and clean it out with warm salt water and a Q-tip. Gotta clean out those germs.
Cute post. Now get some sleep and feel better soon!
Sorry you're sick and up in the middle of the night. Last night was probably the first night I've been able to sleep the whole way thru for months.
Well, if it wasn't your bears I wonder whose they were? :0
The photo reminded me of our wedding day. Just as we flung open the doors to walk out after the ceremony some lady was reaching for them to come in. The look on her face was priceless when she practically ran into the bride and groom. :0
Get some rest!
I seriously need to do that to my DH one of these days, what a hoot!
I cannot understand something in this post - What has a candle to do with you being up in the middle of the night blowing your nose. Nevermind. I finally see that it's NOT a candle, but a very small roll of TP lol or a large roll if you are someone smaller than those little houses.
Since I called you this evening, I know that you aren't feeling the best yet, but I hope that you recover quickly :)
Kirby - The Goat
Hope you feel better soon,my friend. And lookie-my sleeping couch potato robs us of all the goodies too.
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