First posted on 1/09/07
First posted on 1/09/07
Earlier today I read something on someone's blog about a name. It got me thinking about unusual names.
Well - - - there's KEETHA for starters. I used to think I was the only one in the universe - - - - but lately I've googled my first name and been quite horrified at the results. Perhaps I am not as unique as I formerly thought.
(New addendum for this post: Now I even have a BLOGGY BUDDY named Keetha!)
Then there's my mother's family. The names of my mother and her siblings form a poem - - - just by listing them in chronological order. WHO does that??? Did they KNOW they WERE doing it, or was it an after discovery??? MOST of their names are WAY off the charts. Check it out:
Mamma, Papa, Farol, Aileen,
Vetra, Guida, Doris, Verneen,
Beulah Mae, Clinton,
And Janet Doreen.
I thought my family had some unusual names! Now they don't seem strange anymore hahaha
Wow. Our family names don't even come close to yours. It was my high school teachers who had unusual names (or at least I thought so at the time). Emma Lee, Eppie, Olga, and Ola Mae are four that I remember.
That is hilarious...they form a poem!
I have done a lot of family trees but I must say this is an unusual and unique group of names, except for Mamma and Papa who I find in almost every tree. ;0)
My word verification by the way is
Hahahaha.... reminds me of the old bit of fine poetry ...
"He's a poet,
and doesn't know it.
His feet show it.
They're Longfellows!"
You can always rely on me. :-P
Too cute!!! The most unusual name in my family is Oscar...you win;)!!!
Happy Sunday!!!
Mornin' Girlfriend...
Wowzer...surely your family planned for the names to form a poem (wink)! Your family is genius, Girlfriend! On my dad's side...several used the name "Willard". My dad's name...Lowell Willard. Even the girls got in on it...I recall one of my dad's cousins being named "Willard Faye"...hehe! I always thought that was funny!!!
So happy to see you today for Sunday Favorites, my friend!!! Have a wonderful week...
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