He's just an all around equal opportunity guy - - - equal opportunity couch ornament, equal opportunity fisherman, what's next????
(This blog is not responsible for any NCAA football backing that may be expressed on fisherhubby's clothing. We are simply here to report and may or may not agree with the opinions expressed on his shirts and hats.)
Disclaimers are everywhere these days! Glad you are having good luck fishing...
Well, I'm certainly glad that Fishherhubby can fish anywhere - I was getting nervous that he might be sneaking off to WI in the middle of the night :)
Thanks for the laugh this morning!
If I caught a fish like that, I would be addicted....errrr.... an equal opportunity fisher person too. All's I have ever caught was the size of a guppy after sitting patiently for several hours... The other boat members were glad to get me off of the craft, because I was so bored and talked too much!
Wow! That's a great fish!!!
he looks equal opportunity!!! lol have fun!
Nice catch!
He should get together with my hubby on that fishing! PTL, he has on the right t shirt!!!!
Old fishermen never die...they just smell that way.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day...teach a man to fish and you'll get rid of him for the whole weekend.
Oh shall I go on? There are so many.
Your hubs sounds like a well-rounded guy! Here's some more good ones:
A fisherman is a jerk on one end of the line, waiting for a jerk on the other!
Teach a man to fish, and a liar is born!
Men and fish are alike. They both get into trouble when they open their mouths!
Keetha, you need a sign that says: An old fisherman lives here....with the catch of his life!
I'm guessing that you and hubby are in what we call here in Alabama "a mixed marriage." He pulls for one team, and you pull for another. Just be glad they don't play each other every year.
Keetha, I have always told you that you and I would have a ball together. I think Fisherhubby and I would too! LOVE to fish!
Love Keetha! Lots in common!
He looks like Jimmy Buffett and the fish looks similar to one I ate.
I got distracted by the Gators shirt before I could even read the post must less the disclaimer. I don't think i have heard you mention that before.
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