Just to make one whole.
In this case - - - whole STORIES. I am a born story teller, having begun by telling children younger than myself stories to keep them entertained at family camp while our parents were busy in meetings.
Back in THOSE days, while the parents were busy in meetings there were no nurseries, no babysitters, no day care. We "young'ens" were simply turned loose on the playground and the older ones (that would have been me) were expected to keep the younger ones entertained and out of trouble.
That's when I started my story telling career for I noticed that while I was telling stories, the others would gather round and sit there transfixed for as long as was the story.
My stories got real long.
So, welcome to THIS week's version of Miss Keetha weaves her fragments into tales.
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Those Old Things????
I think it is beautiful just the way it is, I think painting beautiful wood items is a CRIME, so I added two throw pillows and a picture just to make it MORE of a focal point in my home.
I'm sure she didn't know I owned the same bench, but I'll get a little even with her here (especially since I don't even remember who "she" was) by saying one woman's trash is another's treasure.
While I found HER painted bench trash, I see THIS ONE as treasure.
And the picture has a story too.
Back in the late 60's and early 70's when I was a growin' up in this town, my mother had a hobby.
She would have us collect certain flowers along the way which she would then press between the pages of a phone book.
If the flowers were of the "fat and bulky" based variety, she would tear them apart petal by petal before she pressed them.
Later, when they were all brittle and dried, she would reconstruct them on a beautiful cloth background, green velvet in this instance, glue them down, and when she was totally satisfied with the result she would have them framed.
This may not sound like such a feat to you - - - but what I have NOT yet told you is, my mother was completely crippled with the most severe case of Rheumatoid Arthritis I've ever seen. Her hands had absolutely no hand shape left.
Still, she spent pains-taking hours with a small tweezer in her hand reconstructing her flower masterpieces.
She was also a master seamstress and pianist with those misshapen hands. I have no clue how she did it - - - but that's a story for another day for I digress.
This particular picture she gave to her oldest sister, my Aunt Ferol, in whose home it hung in a place of honor until she passed from this life into the next.
At Thanksgiving Fisherhubby and I spent the evening with my Cousin Doug who is Aunt Ferol's son.
Doug passed the picture back to me, so it has come "home" and found a new place of honor.
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Finally it Snows!!!
Finally it Snows!!!
Uh, so far this winter??? NOT SO MUCH. Precious little snow or cold so far.
But today our winter hopes and dreams are being fullfilled as the "high" temperature of the day so far is 1 degree F AND it is snowing - - - a little.
Last winter at this time we had more than 20 inches of snow and it looked like this:
Same shrub.
Nearly totally exposed so far this winter but buried up to its eyeballs last.
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Were You Born in a Barn!?!
Were You Born in a Barn!?!
My momma used to ask me that at regular intervals.
I would think SHE of all people would know exactly WHERE I was born, wouldn't you!?!
Of course I was not born in a barn, but I do love me a great looking barn - - - especially the traditional Wisconsin red variety.
Perhaps it is because while you can take the girl out of Wisconsin, you CANNOT take Wisconsin out of the girl.
Praise God I got to RETURN to my Wisconsin roots and blood.
I would think SHE of all people would know exactly WHERE I was born, wouldn't you!?!
Of course I was not born in a barn, but I do love me a great looking barn - - - especially the traditional Wisconsin red variety.
Perhaps it is because while you can take the girl out of Wisconsin, you CANNOT take Wisconsin out of the girl.
Praise God I got to RETURN to my Wisconsin roots and blood.
Each of these barns has a story. The top set of two barn/house pictures I bought on one of my antique shopping sprees with my beloved friend and cohort Eloise, pronounced E-Lois.
The middle set of three barn/house pictures I brought home from our Northwoods Hayward vacation last July. I went into that shop determined to come out with ONE barn picture and three insisted on following me home instead!!! ;-)
And the round red barn in the snow??? Well, I got that on one of my splashes through Cranberry Creek. I like to tell Jodi at The Creek that I am single-handedly keeping her in business!!
It is my ONLY framed barn photograph and I dearly love it.
I hope it will SOON be hanging on my wall grouped with the next barn - - -
But I can't frame it YET because it is still WET.
I know - - - I accidentally touched it the other day and turned my thumb all white.
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Happy to Shop
Happy to Shop
Ana ALWAYS wears that smile, which of course makes any outfit look all that much better on her!
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Sending Out the Wisconsin Gold
Sending Out the Wisconsin Gold
So I thought I'd send the southern relatives a "taste of Wisconsin" for the holidays.
I drove 8 minutes from our front door to the cheese factory where I stocked up on all this Wisconsin Gold goodness - - -
They've already been received and duly appreciated.
Do you see Bucky in there???? Oh yah, he went to my F-I-L who loves college football as much, or maybe even more (were that possible) than do I.
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All Those Fishin' Shows - - -
All Those Fishin' Shows - - -
Are just plain boring.
But DON'T take MY word for it. I've got PROOF POSITIVE.
Here's Fisherhubby "watching" them a little while ago - - -
But DON'T take MY word for it. I've got PROOF POSITIVE.
Here's Fisherhubby "watching" them a little while ago - - -
I rest my case.
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I never promised my story fragments would be SHORT.
I had a whole bunch of comments and then I saw the cheese. Mmmm, cheeeeeeese. I LOVE cheese. Send me some cheese, please? :D lol
Happy Friday!
Well I had lots of comments too until I saw FH snoozing through the fishing show. Too funny.
I LOVE Kristin's barn picture! And I love all your other barn pictures too. Yoopers have barns, you know.
At least you have snow. We got wintery weather tonight ... ice ... black ice at that. :-( Send some of your snow south please! ;-)
Wonderful post! That flower picture is a real treasure. I loved hearing about your Mom re-creating the flowers. Don't know if you are aware that each Monday, there is a Barn Charm meme where folks all over share a photo of a barn in their area. You would love it (just google Barn Charm for the link) Your hubby's painting is really good.
I love the story about your mother, so amazing!
I'm a wuss when it comes to snow anymore, and believe it or not I grew up in one of the snowiest states...Colorado.
Oh yes...those shows...fishing, history channel, you name it...the 'men' shows are totally boring---even to the men!!
If I Could Talk to the Animals
I love your barn picture collection. I love old barns! They tell such a story.
Thanks for visiting me on my blog. Have a good weekend.
I love your bench treasure..what is it with people and painting wood..ugghh.
Your Mother's art work is amazing. What a treasure.
I am going to look for the coast guard show that is so cool!!
In Philadelphia it snowed last night FINALLY...of course I have a very big book signing today and I am hoping it is not a bust cause of the weather.
Have a great weekend.
I am a purest and think your bench looks great! Only paint it if it is near to being trashed!
your mother sounds amazing
Great stories, EVERY one! Love the one about the pressed flowers and the picture your Mother created:) Happy it made it back to you!
Enjoy your day my friend, HUGS!
I never knew that about Grandma and the flowers! Are there any more?!?! That is priceless and precious and wonderful.
I love that bench... things that like are timeless.
Are those pictures of the barns on canvas? Love the 3 of them hanging together!!!
And BTW< I'm in Kentucky... not even in tornado alley!!
Awe I miss your stories! Good ol' story time with Ms. Keetha! :)
I love the barn pictures! And there is just nothing better than cheese....snow I'm not so sure about!
Fisherhubby may be a little like me....just turn on the t.v. and I'm asleep.
And HOW DARE you insult my bench JUST KIDDING :)
I love your bench and I love that you have that gorgeous flower picture made by your mother!
That's a LOT of pieces. Good stories.
There is something about barns that I find quiet and mysterious -probably because I grew up in the city and the burbs. Neat barn photos and funny that your mom of all people asks if you were born in a barn!
I love the barn graghics. Its fun to photograph them too out here on the prairie.
Wow! You covered a lot in that one post. Your mother's flower picture is beautiful, even moreso because of the story behind it. And I love love the barn pictures! My absolute favorites are the three hanging vertically. Gorgeous!
Those are some beautiful barns you've got there!!! I'm so happy that you finally saw something of mine that you loved :) I'm going to love being a part of your home!!!
LOVE the barn pictures!! So fun!! And what great gifts of cheese!! I love cheeses!!! I think I'd be rather large if I lived in Wisconsin! :)
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