But the transmission of this gene
Through our family pedigree
Followed a tortuous route.
For it wasn't Mackinley's mommy who was
Our child emoter - - -

From Kelly to Mackinley,
But jump it did.
In fact, Mackinley seems to be pretty much
A CLONE of his Uncle Kelly in every way.
And Mackinley's mommy would LOVE
To have this phenomenon 'splained to her.
'Cause she thinks it only FAIR
That Kelly have his OWN clones to raise.
Hahahaha!!!! NO! I love my Mack just as he is...and his Uncle Kelly, too. :)
The first picture is too funny. I am assuming the girl in the picture is Mackinley's sister? She is looking at Mackinley as if he just fell off his rocker! HAHA!
He sure does have it! Great shots.
THese pics are just too cute!!! I am sure it is never dull!! How fun!
Wow, they really do look alike! Does your son and daughter look alike as well?
I have it and unfortunately two of my boys have it bad!
That's funny! You never know where family traits are gonna pop up!
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