Many of you have asked where in the world I've been.

All I know is that after 7 plus years of blogging and a different lappy, which I don’t like, I seem to have lost my blogging fervor.

Someday, when you least expect it, I will post again.

For those of you still waiting I say thank you.

Meanwhile, I am rather prolific on twitter. Find me: @KeethaB
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The Eclectic Company - Waitin' on a New Adventure!!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Friday, February 1, 2013

Morning After and Other Frags

Here I sit at my computer on yet another Thursday evening writing my Friday Frags.

The monumental events this week, at least for ME, were two snow storms.  I can't WAIT to show you the loveliness that is the morning after a big snow and I'm gonna mix some O.F. (other frags) in there too.

So let's get started!
* * * Frag 1 - During the Snow * * *  
All afternoon Sunday and all day Wednesday we had large clumpy white snow falling from the skies.

I feel a bit frustrated that my camera won't capture it the way it really looks - - - this is just a "clue" and you'll have to use your imagination to really "see" it.

Notice my snow gauges aren't showing much snow 'cause I took this photo when it was all just starting.  (A few days of mid afternoon thawing in mid January will do that.)
* * * Frag 2 - Morning After "A" * * *
Just look at the lovely long shadows cast by the morning sun across the snow.

The snow gauges are feeling pretty "blanketed" and happy.

Too bad the furnace repairman had to go out there and track up my pristine white snow.

But HEY, I "ain't" complaining he got my furnace working again after 5 or so hours of no heat.

"Don't cry for me Argentina" I was warm and snug as a bug in a fleece blankie and hardly even NOTICED it got pretty nippy in here.

Course I had my hoodie hood up too.


On the couch.
* * * Frag 3 - O.F. "A" * * *
I must print a retraction.

In my last SIMC post I called this ice fishing pole a tip-up.  I thought since it held the tip up it WAS a tip-up.

Fisherhubby e-mailed me to tell me I was wrong.

Yes, he e-mailed me - - - why bother to tell me in person when an e-mail will do.  Besides, he knows my MAIN modes of communication are e-mail and blogging.

He said he TRIED to leave a comment and couldn't.  I believe he may need to brush up on his blogging skills.

Back to the retraction.  I guess this is JUST an ice fishing pole and a tip-up is an entirely different animal.

I stand corrected.
* * * Frag 4 - O.F. "B" * * *
Fisherhubby also e-mailed me this.

At least he ADMITS it, which is the first step of any 12 step program, isn't it?
* * * Frag 5 - Morning After "B" * * *
I ADORE how the plowed roads look the morning after a fresh new snow.

Of COURSE it's plowed the morning after - - - this is Wisconsin.  (Plus, we live on a fairly well traveled street which leads directly to the hospital so it gets plowed first.)
I just LOVE the sharp white edge of the plowed snow bank on either side of the road, the mailboxes nearly covered in a blanket of white, and everything all clean, fresh, and so so white.

Of course it's hard to show all that in a white on white on white picture.

Trust me - - - it's awesome.
* * * Frag 6 - O.F. "C" * * *
Last week I showed you "someone's" closet that was a pig sty.

One day this week he came to me all proud of himself, took me to his closet, opened the door and said, "I organized my closet!!!"

"Good BOY!" I said, figuratively patting him on the head.

Then I turned around and THIS is what I saw:
Somehow I think he missed "closet cleaning 101" - - - the part where it tells that cleaning your closet does NOT mean just moving the mess to the nearest couch.

* * * Frag 7 - O.F. "D" * * *
This, little Miss Isabella (or Skeeter as FH calls her) is the world's most diminutive house cleaner.

She dropped by on Friday morning and had us all spick in span in no time.  We believe in child labor around here.

(OK - - - before you ask - - - it was really her mama and grandmama who did all the cleaning, but where's the fun in telling you that???)
.* * * Frag 8 - Morning After "C" * * *

Squirrel tracks running up the edge of the neighbor's yard shed.

They love to run across that roof and jump onto the "pipe line" of the chain link fence.

The squirrels not the neighbors.
One of the squirrels made this line of "body tracks" across the yard from the tree to the wooden divider between our patio and the neighbor's.

I sure wish I'd look out one day at just the right moment to see all that squirrelly leapin' and hoppin' goin' on!
* * * Frag 9 - O.F. "E" * * *
Hypothetically speaking, if "someone" leaves the solar patio lights lying out all winter on the stoop, those lights WILL glow each night as long as the snow isn't totally covering their itty bitty solar panels.

* * * Frag 10 - Final Frag * * *
Fisherhubby and I do love us some open-faced tuna melts.

Yes, I did think you needed to know that.

No, don't tell me cheese isn't good for me, I don't believe it, I'm from WISCONSIN.
I've never called a water fountain a "bubbler" in my life and I hate ketchup, otherwise, this list says it all!

(If the print on that graphic is too small to read, just click it to make it larger.)
* * * * * * * * * * * * 

That's all I've got for today.

Please hurry over to Mrs. 4444's place 
To see everyone else's morning after and other Frags


Anonymous said...

It can be so hard to photograph falling snow . Mine always look too dark, so I opt for video on those shots. Love that he cleaned his closet... I REALLY need to do that to mine, you know... thin things out a bit. Hubby's closet is always immaculate on the other hand. I like frag posts!

Erin said...

Your snow is beautiful! I'm sure even more so in person, but I'll leave that enjoyment to you. ;) The tuna melt looks scrumptious!!!!

Bill Lisleman said...

very complete set of fragments. You could say a cornucopia of fragments. I don't say that but I enjoy writing it.
I have heard bubbler used on Wisconsin visits. I'm guessing the solar lights are facing south.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I'm so jealous of all that snow!

And I love that ecard that FH sent you!

Good job on the closet ... I've been trying to get my hubby to clean his out for months now. Of course, he would do the same thing - pile all the stuff somewhere else.

Theresa said...

WOW, that's a lotta snow! I think it is beautiful:) Hope you are warm and toasty this morning! HUGS!

LuAnn said...

I am with you the weather in our great state is crazy. And now today well who wants to leave the house.
I love tuna and espcially melts.
People outside out state will never understand cheese curds and custard.

Enjoy the weekend.

Melissa said...

Lovely photos! Snow really is great when you don'thave to be out and about in it too much. : )

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I think I would have enjoyed seeing that squirrel jumping also. Love cheese and I say it IS good for you! Lots of snow and lots of fisherhubby this week. :)

hugs, Linda

Tracy said...

Well I knew most of those WisCONsin things. Guess living there for my formative years does that. And I still can sign the UW fight song.

Barb said...

Miss Isabella is such a cutie cutie cutie!!!

Rebecca said...

Your plowed roads are still snow packed/covered. What about thawing and refreezing and making everything slicker? Yikes. I'm just not equipped to handle such snow.

Cathy said...

Your husband's closet post is just too funny!!! Oh and I'll sleep better tonight now that I know what the fishing pole is really called! haha

Beautiful snow pictures.

Have a great weekend.

podso said...

The fresh plow tracks, before they become dirty, are just beautiful as you predicted. There's just too much to comment about, but I'll just comment on that beautiful little cleaner you have! And have a good weekend, superbowl and all.

PS At least your husby is trying. :-0

Unknown said...

I am relieved your husband has begun Recovery as a husband. Admitting his need is indeed step one. Let's see if he continues down the right path. I like those Tuna Melts. They look good.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

That's some good fraggin there Keetha!
I am in stitches that Greg e--mails you. OMG...too funny!
I got some great super big snowflake pics I will send you.
Well maybe not super great but pretty good.
The from Wisconsin thing is amazingly true.
Kids are excused from school during deer hunting many places does that happen.
Happy Weekend,

nancygrayce said...

Wow! You wrote your frags last night and I didn't t write mine until this afternoon.....I seem to have no time management skills.

I am SO glad you got snow! I am SO glad we didn't ...:)

I'm afraid Superhero could totally take care of himself.....half the time he has to take care of me too which is nice.

FH organizes like I do! Maybe it is growing up in Florida? Just a thought.

Miss Isabella is too cute and the tuna melt made me hungry! But.....hate ketchup! It's a staple in my diet.

Have a great weekend.....I'll get you're looking forward to the Super Bowl...

Brenda said...

Funny how much I love snow when I looking at pictures from the warmth of my house. I would like to see a couple of good snow storms soon as we are desperately in need of the moisture.

Diane said...

All lovely pics including that precious Miss Isabella! We have had two straight days of snow storms, but that okays I am cozy in the house, reading all my blogs!! Stay warm my friend. Diane

Hootin Anni said...

I'm not from Wisconsin, but I do hafta agree....cheese if a main staple in life support!!!

Love your adorable house cleaner-upper.

And the snow images. Glad it's there and not here [I'm a cold weather wuss]. But, from indoors viewing them, they're beautiful.

Sorta Southern Single Mom said...

You finally got your snow!

TEE HEE, inside every man lies a 14-year-old boy!

Oh what a love bug! I haven't been able to see BAby B since she left the hospital because either myself or one of my kids had been sick! :-(

Keri said...

Beautimous snow!!!! :)

Ivy and Elephants said...

Love your frags. Gave me a chuckle!
The snow is gorgeous, (said the woman who lives in sunny south FLA).

Ann in the UP said...

Where to begin. I meant to tell you how handsome and professional your 14 year old looks when working at his day job. Though I don't have to, I'd trust him with my life----even knowing what an incurable mischief maker he is.

Nice job on the closet cleaning. Now you can move all the couch stuff out onto the front lawn.

Isabella---beautiful! And she cleans!

Tuna melt---yum! Cheese is a food group of its own, says the visitor who comes to see you because of the cheese factory.

I've never heard anyone in WISconsin say bubbler either. Never. Do I have a Michigan accent?

Gina Gao said...

This is a really nice post. I enjoyed going through this!

Kay said...

YAY SNOW!!!!! Look how much of the snow meter legging is covered up!! And the covered mail box is classic :-)

Skeeter is a sweet looking girl! You guys got stuff done with her around?? No kidding, wow.

FH is such a guy!!! Yea, he cleaned his closet...out...onto the loveseat ;-)

kyooty said...

Hehe we used those solar lights for "magic wands" or flashlights when camping.

Vidya Sury said...

That you know you're from Wisconsin is cute! Those solar lights look pretty! I want to hug little Isabella!