I do not remember hearing about Betty Boop when I was growing up in this city, so I was puzzled by the proliferation of all things Boop upon moving back here.
I have since used my bloodhound skilz to sniff out the cause - - -
Natwick is an American rendition of his Norwegian family name, Natvig. His grandparents, Ole and Anna Natvig immigrated here from Norway in 1847.
Grim was a nickname given to him in his high school days as a take off on his "anything but grim" personality. His actual first name was Myron. I think I'd go by Grim too under those circumstances!
The black and white sketch above is a self portrait caricature. The Micky Mouse and Mr. Magoo plates are pieces of his work on their animations. He was also the lead animator for "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
Oh, and this "ain't" no APRIL FOOLS either.
That's interesting!
History is really interesting! Enjoyed your little wedding entertainer as well.
Thanks for the history lesson, it was very entertaining. Grim was a very talented artist and involved in so many iconic American cartoon characters.
I always liked Betty Boop....
Grim, eh? He was anything but grim, indeed. Enjoyed the history lesson.
Interesting indeed.
I like Betty Boop too, especially her little voice.
Grim----I'd prefer Myron. But that's just me.
For awhile ol' Betty had made quite the resurgence. Fun photos.
This is so interesting! Thank you for posting this and that picture of Mr. Magoo - I hadn't seen him in forever. Have a great week.
Helena from PinkGuayoyo
I like Grim better than Myron too! Loved the story. I had no idea that "Betty" was a Wisconsin girl.
Very interesting info.
Wow! I love the Boop-doop-be-doop! And he was the lead animator of Snow White -- what an artist!
This was an interesting and fun post, Keetha. He was a creative genius. And I'd go with Grim too, if my name was really Myron.
I love Betty Boop! What a fun fact to know the creator of this cartoon character! Fun!
From Norway, almost our neighbor country :)
This reminds me how many people from Scandinavia moved to US those days...
What a good looking man! Thanks for sharing this piece of knowledge.
Hi Keetha, thanks for stopping by and commenting, sorry you did not find the previous reference about the eggs, it was posted on a previous Scavenger Hunt on Sunday. They are all over London for Easter, later will be sold at auction
to raise money for various causes, one of them Elephants in the wild. Out of 204, I have managed to photograph 89!
Have a great week. :)
How absolutely fascinating. Don't you just love finding out fun things like that about your own town. Keetha - you asked me about why the neighborhood was called the Tenderloin. Even way back in the 1800s it was a rough part of town. The police were given extra pay if they worked that particular beat. With the extra pay they were able to afford the better cuts of meat at the grocery store i.e. "tenderloin".
So very delightful! I loved this! "Grim" is obviously celebrity. I must find my Betty Boop Tshirt. :D. I am sure have it stashed away somewhere.
Very cool and interesting post Keetha!
I had no idea about that!
Yesterday hubby and I were all ready to take a little ride over to see you. And then, I couldn't find your phone number. Can you e-mail me it when you get a chance.
Don't you just love those Mickey mouse hand sketches? Lovely!
I love that! I never knew who created Betty Boop! We have a neighbor that we call Betty Boop.....This was extremely interesting! Thanks!
Betty is so iconic. I never once stopped to wonder who created her.
Betty is known everywhere on earth, a symbol of successful independent woman. Thanx for the info, I just learned a great many things from this post..
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