Saturday I went to a dance recital. The last section of the recital was a salute to our military. It was very well done, very touching, and I enjoyed it more than any other part of the recital.
It also reminded me of scenes from one of my all time favorite movies, the made for television Disney movie, "Newsies." I'm not quite sure why it reminded me so much of "Newsies," I can only conclude that it stirred my heart strings in a similar manner.

I've learned over the years that even though the movie wasn't a big hit at the time, those who saw it are divided into two camps. One camp LOVED it and the other - - - well, not so much.
At our house, we are in the FIRST camp. We loved it so much we bought a copy so our children could watch it over and over again.
More's the pity those were VHS days 'cause I'd very much still like to have a copy. I have not seen it enough yet.
Arise and seize the day!
(photo credit:
Cute blog title!
I didn't think there was a Disney Movie I had missed (except for a lot of the animated ones)....but I've never heard of this one.
So go buy one! It's available on Amazon! We loved that movie! And were just talking about it the other day as a matter of fact!
I fell in love with Jack Kelly then and I still have a sweet spot for Christian Bale all because of "Newsies". The Bakers are in the WE LOVE IT Camp.
P.S. Piper and I are watching it right now, thanks to your post! :)
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