It's Sunday again, and you know what THAT means!?! It's time for Sunday reruns!!! Thanks so much to Chari over at Happy to Design for hosting this meme, "Sunday Favorites".
"The Pitter Patter of Little Feet"
(First posted on 12/15/07)
My friends the Shoemakers made a post on their blog the other day about their little tyke wearing his favorite slippers to help himself feel better when he was sick. That made me think of these:
The slippers our baby wore around the house every day when he was a toddler.
He nearly wore these "puppies" out before he outgrew them!!
Kind of hard now to imagine that they EVER fit him!!!!
so cute!!! have a nice Sunday :)
How did you ever save them and then know where to find them? I have been gone the last couple of days and you have been busy..I .need to catch up...
Thanks for the laugh and the smile. That was totally adorable picture of your baby boy with his puppies!
Oh My,, thanks for starting my sunday with a laugh..
Oh how cute they are. My goodness I can't picture him in them now. Too funny, thanks for sharing.
How adorable and that last picture is too funny! Isn't it fun every once in a while going through our children's trinkets we've saved?
Hi Keetha...
Ahhh...I love the little bear slippers! Girl, it's a bittersweet thing...isn't it? To recall all of those sweet memories of our children when they were so small...and now...they've all grown! I sure giggled when I seen those cute little bear slippers...made me think of Russell's slippers! When I first met him, he had a pair of big ol' bear slippers...very much like your lil' guys! Hehe! It cracked me up!!! What a darling post to share with us today for Sunday Favorites, Keetha...I loved it!!!
Thank you so much for joining in with the fun of Sunday Favorites, Darlin'! Happy Sunday!!!
Chari @Happy To Design
PS...just a little note (in case you missed it on my blog) I will be canceling Sunday Favorites next week...due to the fact that I'll be on vacation and it's also Easter Sunday! Hope to see you on April 11th!
What fun!!
I have a pair of my son's cowboy boots he wore when he was two. He's just eight years old now and I already can't believe he could feet those preshus feet in the little boots.
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